- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  2 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Informe  •  595 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  104 Visitas

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Differences, yes; abuses, not

The outrage over abuses at the border can not lead us to lose the head or to ignore the true origins of such infamy. Or to try to get the crisis internal political dividends.

Quite rightly, our country has exhausted adjectives to reject the cruel and inhumane treatment humble compatriots have received from Nicolas Maduro.

Colombians do not remember a position so unified to repudiate the abuses that we wallow soul to see the heartbreaking images of humble workers lugging what little they have left of their belongings; women and starving children crying in pain.

But that anger can not lead us to lose his mind or to ignore the true origins of such infamy, and thousands join the voices calling for the exits.

Relations between Uribe and Chavez were between love and hate. Chavez insulted today and tomorrow Uribe told him "my dear Alvaro".

The government is moving in the right direction: comprehensive protection to the displaced and humiliated, firmness to defend national dignity.

Crossing a family who fled Venezuela and lost it all

Andres Felipe Trejos Osorio, his wife, Paula Andrea Hincapie, and their three young children aged 3, 5 and 8 years old, they fled Venezuela because of the difficult situation faced by Colombians in the neighboring country.

Only the clothes on their backs Tulua reached the first family moved to Venezuela after the closure of the border with our country. They are not their house collapsed, but the illusions and dreams with Colombia went from seven years ago.

Thanks to the management of the Personality of Tulua, it was possible that a transport company will give away the tickets to return to their homeland.

"We made the decision to leave the country because we were dying almost starving. Because we had no Venezuelan cedula, then we could not buy in supermarkets staples such as rice, milk, sugar and much less medicines"

Devaluation and prosperity

The devaluation of the peso has us speculating about what the implications for the country of this phenomenon lies not in the scale of 1 to 10 favorability or rejection will.

the unemployment numbers are affected by a high percentage of the population living on remittances from 5 million Colombian hos working abroad and who religiously send a monthly allowance to their families.

With the devaluation of the peso, an average spin of $ 300, which meant a family 510,000 pesos at the rate of 2700, is now 900,000 pesos, that is an increase in a year 90% figure impossible to achieve with a simple salary increase. Undoubtedly benefit the most with the peso devaluation are family benefits. The Colombians abroad are buying real estate, and if made before a trip a year to the motherland, now travel three times.


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