- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  27 de Agosto de 2013  •  431 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  924 Visitas

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1. Write sentences in passive and voice with next elements.

a. Diana-dog = Diana feds the dog =the dog is feeded by Diana

b. An elephant – a wolf = an elephant tamps a wolf = a wolf is tamped by an elephant.

c. The teacher- a student = the teacher snarls a student= a student is snarled by the teacher.

d. My mother- my father= my mother kiss my father= my mother is kissed by my father.

e. The president of Colombia - the people = the president of Colombia help the people = the people is helped by the president of Colombia.

f. Michael- a car = Michael buy a car = a car is bought by Michael.

g. George – the house = George sell the house = the house is sold by George.


1 one =1 st first

2 two= 2 nd second

3 three= 3 rd third

4 four =4 th fourth

5 five =5 th fifth

6 six= 6th sixt

7 sevent= 7 th seventh

8th eighth

9th ninth

10th ten

21st twenty first

22nd twenty second

23rd Twenty third

24th twenty fourth

31st thirty first

32nd thirty second

33 rd thirty second

41st fourty first


40 fourty

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy,

80 eighty,

90 ninety.


5 words about agropecuary with picture.

Possessive pronouns Subjective pronouns

my Me = i

your You= you

her Her= she

his Him=he

its It=it

their Them= they

our Us: we

- He Painted the monalisa

The monalisa was painted by him

- She buy a teddy

A teddy was bought by her.

- I close the window

The window was closed by me.

- My sister rob an house.

An house was robbed by my sister.

- They hit the animals

The animals were hited by them.

- My father pay an picture in the computer.

An picture paid was by me father in the computer.

- We scream in the school

In the school were scream us.


- A he eats the hot dogs

* the hot dogs are eaten by her

- A he eats the hot dog .

• The hot dog it eat by her

- She ate the hot dogs.

• The hot dogs were eaten by her.

- She ate the hamburger

• The hamburger was eaten by her. - She has eaten hot dog.

• The hot dog has been eaten by her.

• She has written a letter

- A letter has been written by her.

• She has called the dog

- The dog has been called by her.

• They have seen the children.

- The children


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