- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Octubre de 2014  •  416 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  285 Visitas

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Group 1: Cereals, tubers, noodles and bread

At the base of the pyramid, is the group of cereals, tubers, noodles and bread. These are the foods that we eat in large quantity in our daily diet; should occupy a third of the plate.

These foods contain carbohydrates that are the fuel needed for a proper functioning of the brain, lungs, heart and to maintain proper body temperature.

Group 2: Fruits and vegetables

After the group 1, the most important food group is that of fruits and vegetables. Its use must be frequent and varied. At each meal raw or cooked vegetables should occupy a third plate. It is recommended to consume 5-7 servings of vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables contain high levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals important for the body to function well and can protect against diseases like flu, anemia and osteoporosis elements.

Group 3: Dairy products, meats, fish and seafood, eggs and legumes

This group meets the following two levels of the pyramid. These foods should be consumed daily in quantities less than the previous two groups: a little less than a third of the plate. This group includes dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt), meat (beef, chicken, pork, goat, guinea pig, rabbit, turkey, duck), fish and seafood (tuna, sardines, shrimp), eggs (chicken, quail) and legumes (beans, lentils, beans, chickpeas).

These foods are important because they contain many proteins that are like building blocks for body tissues. They are also rich in essential minerals like calcium iron.

Group 4: Fats, sugars, desserts, candy and soda

This food group is at the top of the pyramid as it is not advisable to ingest daily in large quantity. These foods can be divided into two groups: the first includes fats, also called lipids, and the second groups sugars, desserts, candy and soda.

Good fats are generally of plant origin contain very important for our body fats: Omega 3, 6 and 9 fats that help cleanse the arteries, preventing cardiovascular disease.

Bad fats are generally of animal origin such as butter, butter, chicken skin, fat meats.

The sugars, desserts, candy and soda

Where possible the consumption of food from this group should be avoided. Not show greater benefit to the organism.


In addition to eating foods on the pyramid at recommended rates is necessary to drink water in good quantity. Water is the major component of the human body and helps prevent constipation.

It is recommended to consume at least one liter of water daily


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