- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Plan De Negocios - Tejido

Enviado por   •  1 de Marzo de 2014  •  2.383 Palabras (10 Páginas)  •  813 Visitas

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Tejidos y bordados



1.1. he name of the Business

1.2. The team.

1.3. The concept of the business


2.1. Customer analysis

2.2. Competition analysis

2.3. Size of the market.

2.4. SWOT Analysis.

2.5. Strategies derived from the SWOT analysis

2.6. Market segments.

2.7. Promoting and Advertising.

2.8. Distribution

2.9. Service.


3.1. Business location.

3.2. Characteristics of the operational venue.

3.3. Production equipment for the provision of the service.

3.4. Logistics and supply management.


4.1. Financial Assessment.

4.2. Revenue, Costs and Projected Costs.




The handmade fabric is one of the ancient techniques that use to be utilized in exclusive and romantic clothes. Nowadays, it has managed to merge the ancient art with modern fashion.

In this business plan is proposed the creation of a hand-woven company in which the client chooses the product with a precise size, diverse designs and specific finishes.

The idea of this business is to make the traditional charm of the hand-woven and embroidery in a personalized design, without age and timeless creating an identity. The value of this work is the romantic aspects, lovely and colourful details, diversity of materials in every type of clothing and home items which are never out of fashion. At the same time is visualized as teaching or training to housewives or people with low economic resources.

This business is plan to be launched at the end of May 2014, since is the beginning of winter in Colombia and customers will be looking for cosy items that will help to counteract the coldness of the season.

1.1. The name of the Business:

“MIRABELLA” Tejido y Bordado, is a company dedicated to mould and develop the ideas of customers in clothing, accessories and household items, hand-woven in two needles, crochet, cross stitch, with a variety of materials (wool, synthetic, ribbons, threads among others).

1.2. The Team:

 Mirella Castro: Financial and System Manager.

 She has experience in department stores.

 Development and management of human resources department.

 Preparation of charts, operating manuals and experience in crafts.

 Ana Lalinde: Director of training and development.

 She has over ten years of experience in leadership training and customer service.

1.3. The concept of the business.

“Mirabella” with a traditional touch where different manual techniques are employed, seeks to capture the idea of the customers with high-quality materials in the products manufactured. The time spent making the product is an emotional time in which is woven or embroidered thinking towards the complete satisfaction of our client and the service provided.

 Vision

The Consolidate our business among the top 5 Handmade Fabric companies nationwide, to be leaders in the production of high quality fabrics that cover the specific needs of our customers.

 Mission

We are a company that satisfies, innovates and develops innovative woven products with the highest quality standard, meeting the requirements of our customers with excellent service, being a model of employee wellness.

 Model of the business

Mirabella is a business of hand-woven fabric that captures in the products what the client wants and they will find:

• Create your own style: On internet you will find the page of the company

• Choose you own colours and materials.

• Customized workshops.

 Competitive advantages

• Custom design

• Innovative materials according to the type of personality and taste

• Custom workshops.

 Description of the product

Mirabella is a company that creates and enables the development of garments, accessories and home items with hand-woven fabric that highlight the creativity, expertise and innovation of our artisans shaping the idea of giving our customers unique products resulting colourful, fine and comfortable.


2.1. Customer Analysis.

According to surveys conducted in the development of this business plan product Alba & Kate is aimed at women aged 18 to 55 years of age strata 4 and 5, located in the city of Bogotá and wishing to acquire exclusive products limited edition, which are made according to the specifications of each customer.

The tastes and consumer trends are scarves as the first product due to the climate of the city of Bogotá.

The products are for people who have taste for woven garments, identify with them and make part of your life

2.2. Competition analysis

Table 1 explains an analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses of the most important figures and large competitors in the market to compete Alba & Kate presented.

Name of the company Strengths Weaknesses

La Mina • It has all the materials is used for the job.

• Is a recognize brand • It is not recognized for clothing store.

• Expensive articles of apparel

The stich • It has been present in Colombia 40 years ago

• Tradition and recognition. • High prices and classic designs.

Multilanas • Specialists in wool and yarns to knit. • Dedicated only to scarves, bags and jackets.

Zephir • Tradition and recognition

• More than 6o years in Colombia • Collection of Articles of apparel, knitted but fake presented.

Source: author

It is important to note that there are a large number of stores and street vendor fabrics in the target market of Mirabella, which will not be taken into account, because they do not have great track record, best practices, and recognition and quality products, as competitors discussed above.

2.3. Size of the market

Bogotá has a population of 7.467.80410 inhabitants in which 2,660,570 inhabitants are of stratum 3 and


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