- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Plantilla Escritura Folio

Enviado por   •  11 de Noviembre de 2013  •  336 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  477 Visitas

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The Future of Tunisia - Annual Meeting 2012


Exhibition by Hammadi Jebali, Prime Minister of Tunisia. He starts talking about coming from a country where the government has been elected by the people for the first time in history. He talks about the Arab Spring has permeated the world with a message of hope and optimism. Then he speaks of the preservation of human rights and freedoms as well as being an achievement for the new government. He speaks of the dignity and development related challenges. Here provides figures on his country, as the number of university graduates and the number of unemployed. In conclusion speaks of the investments being made in infrastructure, the powerful tourism in the area and the resources that the country thrives, such as textile or food industries.

Insight: Ideas for Change - Thomas Friedman - From Connected to Hyperconnected


Thomas Friedman believes that if the world were not immersed in the Great Recession the topic of conversation would be the same world. From their point of view trends that control the political, economic social and govern in all areas. He speaks of a hyperconnection which is a large-scale globalization. There is a producer chain currently prevailing in most large companies and governments, is a connection of different countries to manufacture new products that will be sold worldwide.

Ideas @Davos: Unlocking education (Jose Ferreira)


Education is the gateway to many problems. Jose Ferreira states that in history, the revolutions that have involved a significant change in the evolution of society have been linked to education. He believes that education can solve everything and should cross all barriers to get to all people in a personalized way.

Global Shapers


Global Shapers is a global community, created and dependent on the World Economic Forum. It includes young from all nationalities with excellent potential and leadership ability. Young people with different jobs are collaborating with each other to provide a common voice that responds to the needs of youth. Attend meetings of the World Economic Forum as spokespersons.


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