Prefijos En Ingles
Enviado por mikesg31 • 25 de Septiembre de 2014 • 508 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 195 Visitas
a = in, to, on >> afield (muy lejos), afloat (a flote)
be = intensity >> bespoke (encargar), besmear (ensuciar)
en / em = to determine >> enable (habilitar), embitter (amargar)
for = negation >> forbid (prohibir), forbear (reprimir)
fore = before >> foretell (predecir), foretaste (saborear de antemano)
mis = error >> mistake (equivocación), misconduct (mala conducta)
n = not >> never (nunca), non (no), nor (ni), naught (cero)
over = above >> overdone (recocido)
to = this >> today (hoy), tonight (esta noche)
un = not >> undone (sin terminar), unfit (incompetente)
under = beneath >> underdone (crudo)
up = upwards >> upturn (alza)
with = against, away >> withstand (resistir), withhold (retener)
a, an = not >> apathy (apatía), anarchy (anarquía)
amphi = both >> amphibious (anfibio)
ana = through >> analogy (analogía)
anti = against >> antipodes (antípodas), antipathy (antipatía)
apo = from >> apostle (apóstol)
cata = down >> cataract (catarata)
dia = through >> diameter (diámetro)
en / em = in >> endemic (endémico), emphasis (énfasis)
epi = upon >> epitaph (epitafio)
ex = out >> exodus (éxodo)
hyper = over >> hypercritical (hipercrítico)
hypo = under >> hypocritical (hipócrita)
meta = change >> metamorphosis (metamorfosis)
para = beside >> paragraph (párrafo)
peri = around >> perimeter (perímetro)
syl = with >> syllabe (sílaba)
sym / syn= with >> sympathy (afinidad, empatía), syntax (sintaxis)
a, ab, abs = from, away >> avert (separar), abhor (detestar)
ad (ac, af, al, an) = to >> adhere (adherirse), accede (acceder), affix (anexar)
ante = before >> antedate (anticipar)
bi, bis = two >> biped (bípedo), bissextile (bisiesto)
circum, circu = about, around >> circumference (circunferencia), circulate (circular)
con (co, cog, col, com, cor) = with >> conjoin (asociar), cognate (pariente), collect (congregar), colligate (juntar)
contra (counter) = against >> contradict (contradecir), counteract (contrariar)
de = down >> descend (bajar)
dis (di, dif) = asunder (en 2) dislodge (desalojar), divide (separar)
e (ex, ef) = out of >> eject (arrojar), exit (salir), effect (ejecutar)
extra = beyond >> extravagant (extravagante)
ig = in >> ignoble (indigno, humilde)
im = in >> immoral