- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Que Hacer En Caso De Desastre Naturales En Ingles

Enviado por   •  24 de Noviembre de 2013  •  554 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  3.732 Visitas

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General recommendations:

1. As Mexican nationals residing in the departments of Atlantida, Colon, Cortes, Copán, Bay Islands, Santa Bárbara and Yoro, Honduras, it is important to register with Consular Representation in order to contact them, either through our staff , through local Honduran authorities and / or their relatives in Mexico. This procedure is done by filling the Registration Form and sending it to the Consulate by mail, fax or email.

2. Know the emergency numbers, fire, police, ambulance, Red Cross disaster committee in your area and the Consulate of Mexico. In particular, we suggest you consult the website of the Permanent Contingency Commission of Honduras (COPECO):

3. Locate points of refuge, making meeting places, and establishing evacuation routes from your home to them attending the directions of local authorities.

4. That all family members know the name and address of a relative or friend who can contact and information Consulate of Mexico.

5. Consider what to do with your pets in a disaster.

6. Always have on hand, in bags that can carry easily, the following:

*Important documents and identity of his family in a plastic bag.

A radio with extra batteries.

Lamp with extra batteries.

First aid kit.

Medicines should be prescribed.

Bottled water enough for at least three days.

Canned food, baby food and old-if applicable-can opener, cooking utensils, plates and cups.

Blankets and / or pillows.

Two sets of clothing and footwear.

Toilet paper, sanitary napkins, wet wipes.

Charged cell phone.

Money in small denomination, and credit cards.


Material entertainment (toys, books, games).

If hurricane watch:

1. Stay calm and your family.

2. Watch for information and / or instructions of local authorities.

3. Have the necessary documents suitcases, clothing, medicine, food, etc., With the assumption that to move into a shelter.

4. Keep inside your home all objects in the wind can become projectiles: mailboxes, garbage cans, garden furniture, tools. Turn off gas and all electrical appliances.

5. Close all windows and doors.

6. Install protective covers, windows and doors.

7. Keep all fertilizers and / or pesticides in water-proof places. Remember that contact with these products would lead to contamination.

8. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.

9. Stay away from doors and windows.

10. Attend and sick children who are with you.

11. If the wind opens a door or window, no advance toward her to close-shaped front.

12. In case of a hurricane, note that the eye of the storm creates a calmness that can last over an hour and then returns the destructive force winds in the opposite direction.


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