Enviado por DanielNova • 9 de Marzo de 2014 • Examen • 422 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 250 Visitas
Why does Los Alamos National Bank feel a deep sense of commitment to its community? How does this impact its focus on quality and performance excellence?
LANB was created originally to address the banking needs of its unique namesake community, created to house what is now known as the Los Alamos National Laboratory, site of the Manhattan Project during World War II. One of the most important causes impacts the performance and growth as a company because they offer services although the quality is not profitable for LANB.
How does LANB focus on its employees and reflect this key principle of total quality? Why is this especially important for a service organization like LANB?
The employers are expected to create value for customers, -and they are given the authority for are more proactivitily.
The form use for this system create the lists about, corporate objetives, departmental goals, and the annual objetives for the employ.
Se espera que los empleadores creen una expectativa de valor para los clientes, y se les da la autoridad y los recursos para actuar de manera proactiva y con decisión. El formato utilizado para este sistema enumera los objetivos corporativos, objetivos departamentales, y las metas anuales y de largo plazo del empleado
How does technology support the bank's mission? Can it be viewed as a core competency or a facilitating strategy?
LANB ranks technology as vital to executing its strategy of providing low-cost service, achieving high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and, in the process, sustaining above-average profitability. It credits its client-server information network and relational database system with enabling the speed, dexterity, and analytical insight needed to manage risks and to respond rapidly to changing customer requirements and emerging market opportunities. LANB also uses a comprehensive simulation model to help it forecast the consequences of different business strategies. I think whether it should be seen as a strategy, because you get more customers, as it seeks to meet the need of the
The bank offered zero-interest loans to anyone affected
Los Alamos Nacinal Bank took other extraordinary measures -to help the community in the crisis.
In a hard era Los Alamos Nacinal Bank capitalizes his advantages - by successful “home-grown” businesses.
Being an institution financial and produced locally, -it manages to be more " orientated to the client " that his competitors.
Senior leaders set the bank’s long-term strategic direction and annual corporate objectives, following detailed analyses of leading and lagging indicators of trends in the economy, markets, customer behavior, technology, employee skills, supplier capabilities, and other key factors.