- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Evidence 1: Report of type of narrator.

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Name: Mauricio Mora Hernandez “Sea lover”

Registration: 2780216

Course title:

Great Universal Writers

Teacher’s name:

Omar Joaquín Novelo Hernández


Module I. Introduction to Universal Literature.


Evidence 1: Report of type of narrator.



Team: Not applies

Bibliography: Michael Hart. (2006). The Iliad by Homer. Reviewed 7th, September 2016, de Proyecto Gutenberg Sitio web:

Homer. (760). The Iliad by Homer. Reviewed 7th, September 2016, de Blackboard Sitio web:


 To support the knowledge about the type of narrator that the passage have and after that the student have to write his own version with another type of narrator, in order to verify the knowledge that he have acquired about the types of narrator in the topic 3.


  1. First I have read the topic tree of blackboard to learn about the types of narrator.
  2. After reading the topic I have write down the characteristics of each type of narrator in order to know it better.
  3. Then I have selected a passage, this wasn’t easy because there were a lot of literary works that I can use.
  4. After deciding what literary work im going to use, I have selected the Iliad by Homer, I have selected this work because I like it so much.
  5. Next I began to read a part of the Iliad to later choose a passage of 21 lines which is going to be the one that I’m going to use for this evidence.
  6. Read again, but only my passage to understand it and analyze the type of narrator that is presented.
  7. After reading I have noticed that the passage could be omniscient narrator or secondary character, but finally I have noticed that the narrator was the omniscient because Homer knows everything about the characters and what is going to happen and it couldn’t be secondary character because Homer is not a character.
  8. Before writing my own version, I have to select one type of narrator. I have selected to do it in protagonist narrator because for me it was the easiest.
  9.  I began to write down my own version, my version needs to be written in the correct way to be a protagonist narrator and in prose.
  10. Then I         have checked that my work doesn’t have mistakes of grammar and spelling and that the times of the narrator were good.
  11.  I have make my conclusion about the activity, what did I learned, how can change the dynamic and how can I apply this knowledge in my real life.
  12. I have sent it to teacher Novelo in order that he gives me a feedback of my work.
  13. After receiving his mail with the feedback I began to make the changes that he told me to correct on the feedback.
  14. Finally I have finished my version of this passage from the Iliad by Homer in first person and I have check that don’t have any mistake.


1) Original version:

The next passage is from Iliad of Homer, to be more specific this passage is part of the invocation to the muse that Homer invocates to ask for help to tell the story.

The type of narrator used in this passage is the omniscient. It’s omniscient because Homer is not a character of the story and he knows everything about the characters and know what it’s going to happen in the story.


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