- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Redacciones Ingles

Enviado por   •  9 de Septiembre de 2013  •  2.270 Palabras (10 Páginas)  •  483 Visitas

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La gran causa te da la oportunidad de cambiar tu vida, de ser una mujer independiente

Si tienes 23 años o más, únete a nuestro equipo y comienza tu porpio negocio.

La gran causa, una empresa creada por muejeres y para mujeres, te invita a cambiar tu vida y ser una mujer independiente. Si tienes 23 años o más, unete a nuestro equipo y comienza tu porpio negocio.


Efx Música instrumental Mujer: La gran causa te da la oportunidad de cambiar tu vida, de ser una mujer independiente

Si tienes 23 años o más, únete a nuestro equipo

y comienza tu propio negocio


1° descripcion de tu programa favorito con 250 palabras (no se si sea en pasado) 2° Ensayo de desastres naturales 250 palabras. 3° El periodico 4° Traveller 5° Redaccion de algun accidente (250 palabras) 6° la historia de lo que tu quieras 250 palabras (pasado)

2° Natural disasters

The natural disasters are casused by natural porcesses and this is dangerous for persons, but disasters are caused by persons, for example: floods.

Exist diferent kind of disasters, generally this disasters are climatic and geographical.

Greatest natural disasters are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which occur at the edges of the continental plates and are therefore characteristic of certain areas, particularly Pacific.

Natural disasters kinds:

Earthquakes: vibration produced in the earth's crust where rocks have been tightening break suddenly and bounce. The vibrations can range from those that are barely noticeable until they reach catastrophic.

Volcanic eruptions may have catastrophic global effects, plus local. For example, the explosion of Krakaton in 1883 projected ash that reached 80 km in height, producing a reduction in solar energy. Volcanoes occur in the environment not only due to the lava and mud flows, but also to the deposition of volcanic ash and toxic gas emissions.

Tsunamis, tidal waves that reach their maximum height along the coast, causing huge material and human losses.

Hurricane: migratory tropical cyclones that originate over oceans in certain regions of Ecuador. Hurricanes consist of very fast winds blowing circularly around a low pressure center called the eye of the hurricane.

Tornadoes are circular storms with fast rotations, are common in the United States, which produce large damage lifting heavy objects into the air and moving at a distance.

Flood: Human activity increased severity of flooding due to changes in land use, such as those caused by urbanization and deforestation. In our country, the floods are so frecuently, in Tabasco, every year there are floods.

3° Periódico:


Star rock in puebla

The last weekend it opened a new bar named Star Rock.

This bar is a nice place, here just play Rock Music and have live bands.

It is located in the colony La Paz in this city, and you should go.

By: Aline Ramos


The president EPN wil give message to the nation to the 21:30 hours. The president Enrique Peña Nieto will speak to the mexica in the national radio and television network, on the ocassion of the presentation of the energy reform.

By: Maricarmen Fabian


Kirchner it’s out!

The argentin president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has the 27% of votes in the senate and 25% for the chamber of Diputies.

“We are the biggest national force and we are guverment” say the president.

By. Valeria Machado



Training for gaining weigth, you need to train very hard and you need to dicsipline to do this very strongest sport.

to do this you need train with more weigth and eat 3 or 5 times to day.(preferent rice, potatoes , alads , vegetables and some protein for gainer weigth).

you need sleep very well to gaining (8 hous) , and drink a lot of water , to get a better condition .

By: Marcoz Serna


Katy Perry debuts song on MTV Awards

Katy Perry returned to the stage at the MTV Video Awards Musicales. Perry perform her new song "Roar" live for the first time.

The singer has not been presented at the awards since 2009.

Los MTV's Video Music will be broadcast live from New York on August 25.

Justin Timberlake and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis top the list of nominees with six nominations each, while Bruno Mars follows with four

By: Daniel Peñaflor


Episode 1:

The traveler showed his friends his time machine and told them how it worked, but they did not believe that the machine work so the traveler, travel time and travez return until Friday to tell them what had happened during the trip. but first decided to eat because I was too hungry.

The traveler and his friends went to the studio so that he could tell them what had happened.

The traveler said that the trip had seen suns and stars around it.

When they finally arrived, the first thing he saw was a large statue, the traveler was in a storm and when the storm strike, path through the forest and met some people called Eloi.

The Eloi the traveler fed vegetables and water proque this was the only thing I had in that place. They told the traveler that all they did was dance and play there.

The traveler unless a girl named Weena, falling into a river. In this place also lived creatures named Morlocks, but Weena didn´t want to talk about them.

The traveler decided to go down a dark pit to investigate who were the Morlocks and when He was down a cold hand touched his face and scared him, then lit a match and realized that the Morlocks were afraid to light it.

When the passenger got out of there, fled away from that place with Weena. The traveler realized that the Morlocks had eaten the Eloi.

Weena showed his palace green traveler and he was amazed by the beauty of the place, but when he realized that the Morlocks had invaded the palace, came out of there with Weena immediately.

The Traveler and Weena slept in the woods, but kindled a fire to ward off the Morlocks. But when he awoke, he realized that the fire was extinguished and Weena was not. He's looking through the woods but could not find so I felt very sad at the thought that she was dead.

The traveler back to the place where the statue was, and realized that there was his time machine, but


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