- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  14 de Abril de 2015  •  1.155 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  212 Visitas

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Socialization and cultural transmission

To begin this analysis we must understand what it is socialization, well in order to reduce the anxiety that new employees may experience, attempts should be made to integrate the person into the informal organization. The initial effort designed for employees is Socialization, the guided adjustment of new employees to the company, the job, and the work group.

Which brings us to another important concept which is the culture that is within an organization, as we know Orga¬ni¬za¬tional cul¬ture, involves the set of key values, beliefs, under¬stand¬ings, and norms that members of an orga¬ni¬za¬tion share.

But, remember that Socialization isn't always an easy process. For some individuals, shifting into a new organizational culture can actually produce culture shock if they are moving into a culture that is completely different than the one they are used to, or if maybe it is their first time in corporate culture, period.

For this analysis as yet I do not work I decided to ask my sister who works in a bank called "BanRegio", how it is carried out the process of socialization within this organization.

As we know the socialization process has three stages, the first is the:

A. Selection. In BanRegio the area that it's in charge of this stage is the Human Resources, this area hire people who can adequately perform the job but, also this area has to select people who will fit well into the culture of the company. She said that BanRegio is based primarily on progress with its human resources, which in recruitment process combines the inclusion of people of great experience and professionalism in the financial sector.

In this bank to hire a new employee this should see your CV to offices that are in Reforma in order to have a first interview with the hiring manager, after passing this first interview, conducted a second interview is by phone as it is from Monterrey where this corporate bank is.

If after this interview the HR manager in Monterrey calls and says that the candidate is suitable for the position, is holding his recruitment.

B. The second stage of socialization process is the Top Management, which tells us that the actions of top management have a better impact on organizational culture.

Within BanRegio senior executives establish norms through their words and behavior are reflected. For example my sister always says that your manager is dressed according to the code that the company has, reflecting that all in the banks must do the same.

According to their culture BanRegio it is believed that a happy and loyal employee are more eager to help one another colleague and provide an excellent customer service.

The last stage of the process is the Socialization that in my point of view it's the most important stage of this process, because all the employees need help to adapting to prevailing culture, my sister told me about his experience of going to work at a new place where she did not know anyone.

In BanRegio new employees are given one week prior to joining to work a training course, where they teach you everything about the bank, company policies as well as its organizational culture.

According to everything I expressed my sister and I BELIEVE that a viable proposal for this bank would try to implement activities for employees to interact more, as we believe it makes a better working environment and employees are more productive.

Also an important point and that is not mentioned above is that often the bank does not respect the work


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