- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Summary Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Enviado por   •  27 de Octubre de 2013  •  1.600 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  1.008 Visitas

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Chapter 1: The door

Mr. John Utterson was a lawyer and he lived in London, he seemed to be a cold man, without feeling.

He never smiled and he spoke only when it was necessary. Utterson Lived a quiet and simple life and he enjoyed the theatre, but he didn’t visit it any more, His friends were people from his family and very old friends from his old school.

Mr. Richard Enfield, other people could see no reason Enfield was quite different from Mr. Utterson, he was young and he enjoyed going to the theatre, to parties and good restaurants.

They were friends because they enjoyed being together and they enjoyed the walks. But they were often silent walks.

One day Utterson and Enfield are out for a walk when they pass a stranger-looking door (the entrance to Dr. Jekyll’s laboratory). Enfield recalls a story involving the door. In the early hours of one winter morning, he says, he saw a man trampling on a young girl. He pursued the man and brought him back to the scene of crime.

A crowd gathered and, the avoid a scene, the man offered pay the girl compensation. And this was accepted and he opened the door with a key and re-emerged with some money and a large cheque.

Utterson it’s very interested in the case and ask to Enfield if is certain Hyde used a key to open the door. Enfield is sure he did.

Chapter 2 Mr. Enfield’s Story

One dark morning Mr. Enfield was walking to his home at about three o’clock. He walked a very long way without seeing anyone because everybody was asleep, the street lights were lit, but the street was empty and silent.

Suddenly Mr. Enfield saw two peoples, one was a little man who was walking quickly towards the street corner and the other was a little girl, she has about eight or nine years old. She was running towards the same corner and she ran into the little man. The girl fell down and the man calmly walked on her. He stepped on her body and she cried out, but he didn’t stop or turn around. The girl started screaming.

The people said “Get a doctor!” and one of the neighbors hurried away. The man who stepped on the child doesn’t try to escape.

The child’s family hated to the little man and them wants’ to kill the men, but they can’t.

All the time they were keeping the women away from the little men, they were wild and dangerous because they were so angry.

The people don’t want trouble, and they said if he want money, and then they dad to get the money. The child’s father, the man and Enfields went to the Enfield’s house and waited there until the morning after breakfast, all went to the bank together, with the cheque. And the bank paid the money without questions.

Chapter 3 The cheque

The man that signed the cheque was exactly the opposite. A really fine, honest man, and very famous for his good work. His name is Mr. Hyde.

Mr. Hyde was living in a square, the place behind the door doesn’t really seen like a house. The house there are a three windows on the first floor around the courtyard and nobody uses the door, and Enfield asked if he used a key.

The lawyer said that it’s a strange question, but there is the reason for it. He already knows the name of the man who signed the cheque.

Chapter 4 Who is Mr. Hyde?

Mr. Utterson was ate his dinner without much interest, he was not really hungry, after the dinner usually read a book ‘till midnight and then going to bed. but that night he took a light and went into his office, there he opened his safe and took out an envelope, on the envelope was written the words: “Dr. Jekyll’s Will” and the will was in Dr. Jekyll’s writing and the will was clear, “if Jekyll’s dies, his house and all his money passes into the hands of Edward Hyde.” And if Jekyll’s disappears for three months, the same Edward Hyde will own everything immediately.”

Hyde was free to come and go in Jekyll’s house, he had a key.

Chapter 5 After Dinner.

Mr. Utterson was at a dinner by old friends organized by Jekyll. As usual, the lawyer stood up to leave after all. He was talking to the doctor and asked if Hyde was in some trouble. He told don’t worry; he could get rid of Hyde whenever he wanted. Jekyll to Utterson makes him promise that when he dies, will handle Hyde. And he accepts.

Chapter 6 The Carew Murder.

Nearly a year later, an elderly gentleman is brutally clubbed to death in the street by Hyde. The murder is witnessed by a maid who recognizes Hyde.

A letter addressed to Utterson is found on the body and the police contact him. He recognizes the murder weapon as


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