- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  15 de Noviembre de 2017  •  Ensayo  •  379 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  84 Visitas

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Is cosmetic surgery as bad as it is cracked up to be?

Advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery

  • Describe the situation in your country to cosmetic surgery
  • Contrast different uses of cosmetic surgery
  • The kind of person who undergoes cosmetic surgery
  • Most popular operations
  • Social perception
  • Your own opinion  

The topic of my talk is about appearances, particularly cosmetic surgery.

I would like to start by describing the situation in my country.

Spain has become the plastic surgery capital of Europe. Every year so called-“plastic surgery tourist” come to Spain from northern Europe seeking treatments like whiter teeth, new nose, botox  treatments , flatten saddlebags, lipoplasty, breast implant,  etc….because many clinics offer surgery packages with luxury hotel stays, out discreet retreats and post-operative visits in their origin countries. As a result Spain is in the industry rank among the five largest in the world, along USA, Mexico and other countries.

But cosmetic surgery not only is used by tourist but also by Spanish people that turning to solve some physical deformities, healthy problems or simply want to enhance their appearance.

On the one hand, cosmetic surgery has plenty of pros mainly allow people to change their outward appearance , boost the confidence level and get better a body image.

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has important drawbacks as sometimes is invasive and painful and recovery time can range from one day o six months. In some instances exist risk and complications due to the surgery itself.

Besides this many people turn addicted to the point where they become unrecognizable and much of it has to do with their unrealistic expectations.

Concerning of the people who decide undergo to plastic surgery more and more this type of treatments are more popular and general are well seen so are used for man and women from different ages . Although for many people fixing a small deformity or want to erase signs of aging may be signal of emotional immaturity

The bottom line, my personal opinion is if someone decides to have surgery must keep in mind all disadvantages and make sure that they are in good hands because there are some surgeons  practicing without state recognised credentials so can endanger our  lives.

Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.


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