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Enviado por Brigalindob • 21 de Mayo de 2014 • 1.677 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 303 Visitas
Brand strategy defines and identifies the values of a company, ie, what you communicate to your customers and that is to identify with the product.
It should be a good brand strategy to identify the competitive position it has in the market. Identifying market profile: size, competitors, growth stage, customer segments and competitive analysis. Similarly, a strategy of positioning is included in the marketplace, so, you decide what type of value will be given to the market or its value proposition.
During the development of competitive positioning in the market, we can see if the market is satisfied, or if we can make improvements to differentiate themselves from the competition.
The role of the brand
Branding is an essential part of the product or service is the only value that is given. They are perceived as different compared to others.
What is brand?
A logo or symbol that represents a business and connect with your product or service consumed.
Why are brands important?
Brands can summarize information, and that society is overloaded with this and the aim is to make it easy to remember, through messages containing important features or attributes of the product or service. So the customer will remember and be faithful to the score.
What Can We Brand?
With the branding benefit both products and services, as nonprofits, charities, government and even individuals can also become a brand.
What Is Brand Equity?
Brand equity is the added value it provides to the product as perceived by the consumer. It will be established to the extent that it can be known and measured what kind and degree of satisfaction has on consumers and how it affects their responses.
How to Design a Brand Identity
A brand identity integrates the ideas, personality and values of a company. Ie, is the image of the company that promotes the world. Building Trust customers, and that they recognize the mark.
1. Company Name: IQ Marketing
2. Pictures:
• Brain
• Ideas
• Clouds with words
3. Ideas for the logo:
• A man thinking cloud with words. Man can go on a black color while in the cloud, words can be colorful.
• The brain of a man. It may be related to Marketing words. It may be in a blue color, showing confidence in the people.
• A colorful brain with company name.
How to Do Personal Branding
It is a concept of personal development consisting consider oneself as a brand, which, like trademarks must be processed, transmitted and protected, intending to differentiate themselves and achieve greater success in social and professional relationships.
1. We evaluate our abilities, interests, education and experience to get to build our own brand.
2. The picture will give people, must be related to our qualities. Such as: Creative, patient, sincere, sociable and respectful.
3. As a next step, use tools to help us build our personal brand. Whether you using social media, holding events, conversations, etc.
4. Analyze potential competition and differentiate it.
5. Relying on our own brand, be loyal and true.
6. Attend industry related to dedicated events, promote our brand to colleagues, clients, and why not, also to competition. Be present at any event.
7. Insert personal best at all times and anywhere.
How to Use Corporate Branding
It is a method of marketing that creates a corporate identity with an identity of the product.
1. First, you should send a strong message that the consumer can recognize both the product, as it belongs to the corporate.
2. Always differentiate from competition
3. Keep the same image in different ways of marketing to not confuse consumers.
4. Share success and a positive reputation among the products and services that are in the corporate.
5. Always be a constant improvement to meet customer, not competing among the products offered by the corporate.
6. Make use of sound, touch and smell to create a different environment and enhance corporate identity.
Corporate Branding Guidelines.
Branding strategy consists of a group of marketing techniques designed to create and maintain a unique image for a company, a product or a line of products.
Corporate branding guidelines can help you to exude a consistent brand image in the marketplace and in your industry.
Consistency is the key to any branding strategy. It's essential to be consistent in every aspect of communication, no matter what kind of brand image you wish to present and no matter which techniques you use to achieve your branding goals.
Consumers often use packaging to form first impressions about a brand. Always make packaging a core component of your branding strategies. If you are shooting for an eco-conscious brand, for example, make sure that your packaging is minimal and clearly made of recycled materials.
Your pricing policies must also be aligned with your brand image. Consider Wal-Mart, for example, which displays a brand image of price-leadership and backs it up by listing lower prices than its direct competitors on identical items.
The Benefits of Corporate Branding.
Instead, corporate branding encompasses the corporation's values and vision as it strives to identify its spot in the marketplace. Companies make the expensive mistake of believing that, as they change their logo and, possibly their slogan, managers and employees will automatically embrace the new company mission.
Creates Vision Simplicity
Distinguishable Identifiers
Cost Effectiveness
Adds Financial Value
1. Achieve Accomplish Lograr
2. Ahead At or to the front or head Adelante
3. Aligned Bring together Reunir
4. Appeal Be Attractive Gustar
5. Attempt Try Intentar
6. Awareness Having knowledge or cognizance Conciencia
7. Beyond On the far side of; past Más allá de
8. Boundaries Something that indicates a border or limit Límites
9. Brainstorming A