Taller ingles.
Enviado por yeyeeee • 10 de Febrero de 2016 • Apuntes • 275 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 209 Visitas
- Pasar las siguientes frases a ingles : tener en cuenta si son presente perfecto ( ingles americano – británico), pasado simple
- Ella no tuvo plata
She didn’t have money
- Ella no obtuvo dinero
She didn’t got money
- ¿Ella tiene plata?
Has she money?
- Nosotros no tenemos quiz hoy
We don’t have quiz today
- Ustedes no han hecho la tarea
They haven’t made the task
- Ustedes no la hacen
They don’t do it
- ¿Has estado en Londres?
Have you been in London?
- ¿Has ido a New York?
Have you gone in New York?
- Nosotros no lo hemos tomado
We haven’t taken
- ¿ Siempre has vivido alla?
Have you always lived there?
NOTA: AQUELLAS FRASES QUE TENGAN VERBOS “TENER” DEBES IDENTIFICARLAS COMO INGLES AMERICANO O BRITANICO – este trabajo lo mandaras de forma magnética al correo de la docente el día sábado antes de las 12 de la media noche.
- los siguientes verbos los debes pasar en oraciones de forma afirmativa y pregunta:
- Ganar
I have won a trip
Have you won a trip?
- Pensar
She has thought sell the shoes
- Lavar
He has washed the car
Has he washed the car?
- Ver
I have seen a sunset
Have you seen a sunset?
- Comer
We have eaten turkey at merry Christmas
Have we eaten turkey?
- Conducir
They have driven a car
Have they driven a car?
- Comprar
She has bought a cat
Has she bought a cat?
- Hacer
She has made the work
Has she made the work?
- Tener
I have a dog
Have you a pet?
- Coger
he has taken an apple
has he taken a pineapple?