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Universidad Santiago de Cali                                             English 2[pic 1]

Language Institute                                        Topic: Please, tell me how much / how many

Teacher: Hernando Vega Arias

Share this information!

What is/are your favorite kind of food(s)? _________________________________________________________________________

What is/are your favorite beverage(s) or drink(s)? __________________________________________________________________

What is/are your favorite dessert(s)? ____________________________________________________________________________

Adjectives to describe food:

healthy, unhealthy,
tasty/delicious, juicy, dry, sweet (sugary), spicy, salty, bitter, sour,
savory (spicy or salty/not sweet), smoky, crunchy,  
bland (soft/low in fiber/cooked/not spicy), greasy/fatty (fried)
        [pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]

Interjections and expressions when talking about food:


It's delicious!

It's tasty!



It's disgusting!

It's awful!

It´s okay.

More adjectives:

Small / big

cheap / expensive

delicious / awful

cooked / raw

cold / hot

Conversation 1: Getting something to eat

Jeff and Bob are discussing where to go for dinner. Listen and answer (track 23, U- 4; TOP NOTCH 1):                

What does the customer order? _________________________________________________________________

What does the customer want to drink? ___________________________________________________________

What is the choice of vegetables? ________________________________________________________________

Food Categories

Complete the chart. Then add one more word to each category[pic 5]

Conversation 2: Ordering a meal

A server is taking a customer´s order.  Practice pronunciation.                

[pic 6][pic 7]

COUNTABLE NOUNS(singular/plural)


We have

There are

a lot of apples

lots of apples

We have

There is

a lot of rice

lots of rice

a large number of apples

a great number of apples

a large amount of rice

a great deal of rice

many/too manyapples

much/too much rice

plenty of apples

enough apples

plenty of rice

enough rice

some apples

some rice

a few apples (+)

few apples    (-)

a little rice (+)

little rice (-)

more apples (+)

fewer apples    (-)

morerice (+)

lessrice (-)

several apples (+3)

a couple of apples (+2)

a bit of rice

no apples (0)

no rice (0)

none (0)

none (0)

# (the number)=10 apples

Rice – water –happiness etc…

We don’t  have

There aren’t

a lot of families here

We don’t have

There isn’t

a lot of gold

many teeth

much ice

enough pajamas

enough fire

any plans (0)

any diabetes (0)

Are there any/ manytoys?

Yes, there are a lot.

Yes, there are a few.

No, there aren’t many.

No, there aren’t any.

No, there are none.

Is there any/much clothing?

Yes, there is a lot.

Yes, there is a little.

No, there isn’t much.

No, there isn’t any.

No, there’s none.

How manypeople are there?

There are a lot.

There are four.

There are not many.

There are a few.

There are a couple.

There are none.

How much meat is there?

There is a lot.

There is one pound. / There are four pounds.

There is not much.

There is a little.

There is some.

There is none.


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