Enviado por BerdugoY • 28 de Febrero de 2013 • 2.333 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 676 Visitas
OBJETIVO. Este taller de inglés tiene como objetivo medir y evaluar el conocimiento de la lengua extranjera (inglés) en los aprendices de la media técnica.
Lea atentamente las instrucciones para cada sección de preguntas y responda de acuerdo a lo requerido. Asegúrese de saber qué es lo requerido en cada sección.
1.A. NUMBERS. Write the numbers in the blanks. (escriba los números en los espacios).
a. 100. One hundred b. 25. Twenty five
c. 45. Forty five d. 1000. One thousand
e. 11. Eleven f. 20. twenty
1.B. Match a column on the right with one on the left. Write your answer in the boxes. (Asocie las cantidades de la columna derecha con las respectivas de la izquierda).
a. 30. 1. ( f ) fifty seven
b. 92. 2. ( e ) three
c. 15. 3. ( a ) thirty
d. 50. 4. ( c ) fifteen
e. 3. 5. ( b ) ninety two
f. 57. 6. ( d ) fifty
A) Write the time in letters. Escribe la hora en letras.
1. 2:30 pm: two and thirty minutes
2. 6:00 am: six o’clock
3. 3:15 pm: three and fifteen minutes
4. 12:00 am: twelve o’clock
5: 1:45 am: one and fortyfive minutes
B) Write the time in numbers. Escribe la hora en números.
1. It’s two o’clock.: 2:00
2. It’s five past four: 4:05
3. It’s half past eight: 8:30
4. It’s a quarter to nine: 9:15
5. It’s seven fifty: 7:50
Write the correct greeting under each picture. Escriba el saludo correspondiente debajo de cada foto.
Good morning Good afternoon
Good evening Good night
A) Unscramble the letters and write the days of the week. Ordena las letras y escribe los días de la semana.
1. dnaoym monday 5. taudeys tuesday
2. aedensdyw wednesday 6. nysdua sunday
3. irydfa friday 7. sdtryaau saturday
4. taurdhys thursday
A) Unscramble the letters and write the name of the month. Ordena las letras y escribe el mes.
1. yanaJuy january 7. yaM may
2. hraMc march 8. arebFruy february
3. enJu june 9. gsAuut august
4. ebceDemr december 10. rbcoOte october
5. emeNvobr november 11. yluJ july
6. pArli april 12. beteSpemr september
1.G. OCCUPATIONS (OCUPACIONES). Unscramble the occupation of the people in the pictures and write them under the correct image. Ordene las ocupaciones de la personas en las fotos y escríbelas debajo de las mismas.
ratecthic licepoman tevenarianri tucherb otcord reaitw
Doctor butcher veterinarian
Architect póliceman waiter
2.A. PERSONAL INFORMATION (Información personal). Read the information about Mariana and write a similar personal presentation. Lea la información personal de Mariana y escriba una similar.
Hi, my name is Mariana I’m from Madrid the biggest city of Spain. Spain is a country in Europe. I am an engineer. My email is mariana@email.com. My phone number is 47-8241. I have one brother and two sisters.
Hi, my name is Yelissa I’m from Barranquilla the funniest city of colombia. colombia is a country in america I am an student . My email is yelissa_chin5@hotmail.com My phone number is 3015720491. I have one brother.
2.B. Reorganize the following sentences. Write them in the blanks. Organice las oraciones.
a) doctor / is / father / my : my father is a doctor .
b) parents / in / live / with / I / parents / England
i live with my parents in England
c) don’t / the / know / they / answer / the / exam / for .
they don’t answer for the exam.
d) right / brothers / her / working / are / now
her brother are working right now .
e) please / we / like / two / would / sandwiches
we would like two sándwiches please .
A) Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank. Completa los espacios con la palabra correcta del cuadro.
get ready for bed take go to school dinner do brush
come home watch tv get dressed go wake up breakfast
lunch wash
Most days, I wake up at 7:00 am. I brush my teeth and wash face before I get dressed Then I go to the kitchen and I eat breakfast I go to school and am in class by 8:00 am. At 2:00 pm, I come home and eat lunch. I do my homework and wacth tv before dinner. After dinner, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. I go to bed at 10:00 pm and read before I fall asleep.
B) Write your daily routine on a saturday. Write at least six activities. Escribe tu rutina en un sábado. Escribe al menos seis actividades.
1. I wake up at 8:00 am
2. I brush my teeth
3. I get my breakfast
4. I take a shower
5. I do my homework
6. I listen to music
2.D. Answer with true information in complete sentences. Escribe con información real usando oraciones completas
2. Which day of the week do