Teaching Strategies
Enviado por eliaspizarro • 27 de Septiembre de 2011 • 353 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 716 Visitas
The following will be referred to the importance of solving problems in class. Polya (1945) argues: "Only the great discoveries possible to solve the big problems there, in the solution of every problem, a little discovery," but that if you solve a problem and comes to excite our curiosity, "this genre experience, at a certain age, you can determine the taste of the intellectual work and leave, both in spirit and in character, a mark that will last a lifetime.”
The classroom experience and extensive research, we show that our students possess cognitive styles, learning pace and interests, there are some with more problem solving than others their age. These subjects are those that generally apply, often without realizing it, a whole series of techniques and methods that are appropriate and effective to address the problems.
This set of mechanisms, processes is the so-called "heuristics": mental operations that typically manifest useful in solving problems. Knowledge and practice of such is the purpose of solving problems, and this allows it to be a possible option to "teach" and improve with practice.
Polya (1945) proposes four essential steps for solving a problem, these are:
understand the problem.
a plan to solve it.
put into practice the plan.
check the results.
Do they reflect the actual grades students' learning? What type of evaluation is more appropriate for accurately measuring learning? Is it useful assessments of their students?
Juan Klöckner JUTP "Escuela Argentina", Arica
"In my capacity as Chief Technical Officer, I realize that there are many assessment situations are somehow used by teachers in my establishment, but when we arrived at the time of qualification, is the moment you become distressed.'s Moreover, when I ask how get the notes, it is as varied as the fingers of 3 spans of hands. Self-evaluation is being used, but when it comes time to include it as a kind of qualification occurs not understand how to solve the problem . Thanks for the opportunity to write. "
In conclusion, teaching strategies and evaluation system must go hand in order to achieve good academic results. and achieve meaningful learning.