- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Team Work

Enviado por   •  12 de Julio de 2014  •  1.724 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  264 Visitas

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Table of contents:

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….………….3


II. Teamwork definition…………………………………………………….………...4

III. What is teamwork?..................................................................................................4

IV. Advantages and Disadvantages of teamwork………….………………..............5-6

V. Functionof teamwork……………………………………………………….…….6

VI. Characteristics of Effective Teams……………………………………………...6-7

VII. Tips and Strategies for Effective Teamwork……………………………….…...7-8

VIII. Items needed for teamwork……………………………………………....……..8-9

IX. Reasons why teams fail……………………...………………….…..............…9-10

X. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….…11

XI. Reference…………………………………………………………………………..….…12


The purpose of this paper is to equip you with tools that can help your team working productively and successfully. We will show you some techniques that will help your team organize the information, run effective meetings and contribute to each of the members.

According to the administrative world. net, teamwork is the concentration of individual efforts, technical procedures and strategies. Using a particular group of people to achieve better results in either the company or institution they work for.

What is teamwork?

A group of people who are committed to achieving common objectives, who work well together and enjoy these objectives, producing high quality results.

Teamwork involves a group of people working collaboratively on the implementation of a project. The team responds the end result and not every one of its members independently.

Each member specializes in a specific area that affects the goal.

The team member is responsible for the task, and only if they all do their job raises the goal ahead. A group of people working together in the same subject, but without any coordination between them, in which each plays their work individually without being affected by the work of others, is not a team.

Advantages and Disadvantages of teamwork

Advantages of teamwork

• Provide direction and supervision of the work: it is much easier for the leader to place orders and clear objectives in a cohesive group and supervision thereof.

• Increased productivity: Team will work with higher performance on the job individually.

• Effective communication: The average of leading the group so that everyone receives the order and can do a good job.

• Better work environment: A united team creates a better working environment, efforts to combine the common goal, and everyone feels part of the project.

• Coping with greater confidence the proposed challenges: If we are backed by a team act with greater confidence to take on new challenges and goals. The responsibilities are divided, does not rely on one person.

Disadvantages of Teamwork

• can be given certain processes that adversely affect the quality of decisions and problem solving.

• Lasting conflicts may arise between members and there will be many differences in ways of thinking and can lead to dividing the group discussions.

• Teamwork can consume more time.

• Provided that teamwork involves taking responsibility, you may make mistakes when nobody wants to assume them individually.

• Make decisions prematurely.

• There is pressure on team members to accept solutions.

Functionof teamwork

• Propose changes, projectsand innovations.

• Implement projects.

• Resolveproblems and conflict in the organization.

• They make decisions.

Characteristics of Effective Teams

Research into effective teams in a wide range of contexts identifies the following common characteristics:

• Membership: two or more individuals work together toward a common goal

• Common goal: the members have negotiated shared aims and goals

• Social organization: the group develops or actively negotiates functional norms, roles, and relationships

• Interdependence between members: members succeed only if all succeed.

• The productive participation: all members are supported to contribute equally to the workload, resources and skills are identified early on and used effectively. Decisions are made by consensus.

• Effective communication and interaction: face to face and other media help control group processes and dynamics, foster creativity and allow productive work practices.

• Productive involvement: all members are supported to contribute equally to the workload; resources and skills are identified early on and used effectively. Decisions are made by consensus.

• Mutual interest: members focus on the interests of the group as a whole, and avoid personalizing problems or differences of opinion.

• Collective consciousness: members perceive themselves as belonging to the group, even when the group is not together.

• Mutual trust: members listen to each other, respect the contributions, help each other to clarify ideas, and show interest in others.

• Cohesion: group processes function smoothly without intervention, members can also contribute to produce something greater than the individual parts, the individual contributions are fully and within the proposed timeline together, and members feel they have learned something process and the other group members.

Tips and Strategies for Effective Teamwork

If the equipment is properly structured, the majority of students' semester ends like them. Many report having made new friends. That certainly is not their feelings at the beginning of the class when they learn that they will work together an entire semester in duration.

Here are some tips and strategies that we


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