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Tema de Que puede y que no puede hacer las agencias de cobros

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Gestión de Cobros.


Que puede y que no puede hacer las agencias de cobros.




 Ing. Mayra Cubas.


 Juan Carlos Sánchez Mejía.



Tegucigalpa M.D.C. lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


  1. Are avoid harassment in collecting.
  2. Is just one successful phone call per customer in the allowed schedules.
  3. Is forbidden call on day week before 7:00 a.m. after 7:00 p.m. also on Saturdays before: 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m.
  4. Sundays are the only day in the week collector couldn’t generate phone call to their debtors.
  5. The clients are protected their rights by the financial user form according by the law.

Puerto Rico

  1. Is required for any company which want to collect debt had a license extended by the government.
  2. Using or threatening to use violence physics to collect an account.
  3. Publish or threaten to publish one list of debtors, or to disclose information about debtors.
  4. Carry out collection procedures in related to accounts, invoices, or debts to which have not been previously authorized in writing by the client.
  5. Hold an amount of money in excess of agreed fee between the parties as payment for the service borrowed.

United states of America

  1. They contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you’ve asked them to.
  2. They just contact you at work once you’ve told them not t.
  3. they can contact you to remind you and ask you for information why you have not paid.
  4. Threatening to sue you, harm you, or destroy your credit
  5. Failing to send you a letter within five days of their first phone call

United Kingdom

  1. They can chase you for the debt by phone or letters
  2. They cannot harass you; you have a duty to keep your creditors informed of your situation but that doesn’t mean they can ring you every hour, day after day.
  3. They can continue to add interest and charges to your account in line with the original agreement.
  4. They cannot break data protection laws, so they cannot speak to your family, friends, neighbours or an employer without your permission.
  5. Sometimes creditors may not be nice to speak to, but they can’t be threatening or abusive to you, and they can’t lie to you.




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