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The Crhisantemus. Stories between Elise Allen and Louise Mallard

Enviado por   •  1 de Agosto de 2013  •  320 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  462 Visitas

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The stories between Elisa Allen and Louise Mallard shared a lot of similar struggles on their own times. The two ladies had to keep their heads down. The social reality for that period of time was one of inequality and unfairness in concern to the women point of view. They were totally unappreciated and Left on the side with no other choice, but accept it quietly. Elisa and Louise had these permanent inferiority complexes over man’s overpowered authority. These ladies knew internally how strong and capable they both were. Consequently they felt frustrated after wasting their lives with the same daily routine without any challenges or excitement. They did feel completely ignored and underestimated not only by society, but also by their husbands. In both women stories it was obvious that they could not go or do anything on themselves. In the "Chrysanthemums", Elisa did express her adventures desires to the tinker. In the mid time the tinker responded by saying""It ain't the right kind of a life for woman" (234). This hunger of independence was also notorious in Mrs. Millard's case when she did find out about her husband’s dead and she whispered to herself "Free, free, free". Unfortunately for Elisa and Mrs. Millard they did not have the opportunity or the choice to enjoy in life any independence.

I definitely agree with you on the fact that both women had this strong desire to be loved and appreciated. Because at the end why get married if your partner is not there for you? However, I think that Mrs. Miller was definitely in a worse position than Elisa. Nevertheless Elisa at least had a little hobby with the Chrysanthemums and that task could have been her escape from the monotony created by the farm. In another hand Mr. Miller had all the busy life of a mother and housewives with no time for anything else but takes care of others.


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