- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Importance To Use Internet As A Way Of Marketing

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Manuel Molina

Professor Juan Campos

Composition 1 G# 06

Argumentative Paragraph

May 11th, 2015

Tourism is one of the most important areas for the development of the countries, not only by the incomes that the activity generates to the national cash flow, but also because it allows to build credibility and a good profile of travel to destinations which have been affected by bad reputation. For this reason, all the involved sectors must apply novel technologies to promote their products and services through the on-line marketing to such an extent that these companies are well-qualified and preferred by potential customers. Likewise, it is important that tourism companies use virtual technologies in virtue of facilitating information, reducing costs of advertising and innovating the offers being that Phillip Kotler& Gertner have said that Internet is “el canal más importante para comunicarse con los compradores de un lugar” (qtd. In Aparicio & Maldonado 20). On the other hand, many people could certainly say this strategy can not work because in the case of El Salvador is said that the main hindrance is the shortage of information and destination doubt (Delgado 4), nevertheless, if Online Marketing is implemented, there is no doubt that it will generate good results due to the fact that people choose to learn more in depth the various tourist attractions by means of these channels of information. In conclusion, it is necessary that tourism companies use internet because it allows to have a novel and interactive approach to the general public which can ensure a good travel experience and guaranteeing a good position in the ranking of successful enterprises for using innovative ways of advertising.

Work Cited

Aparicio, Laura., Maldonado, María. “La utilización de la web 2.0 en las empresas y organizaciones turísticas de la Ciudad de México.” Revista de la red de expertos iberoamericanos en turismo. 6 (2010):18- 24. Web. 6 May 2015.

Delgado, Y. (Septiembre, 2003). Estrategia competitiva para el desarrollo de empresas operadoras de turismo receptivo en El Salvador [Adobe Reader version] Retomado de 0001159.pdf


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