The Revolution of President Rafael Correa
Enviado por daniiiiii18 • 24 de Noviembre de 2013 • 2.385 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 349 Visitas
The Revolution of Rafael Correa
Tired of the same kind of people who just make promises and never acts? If the answer is yes, and you live in Ecuador, you should stay calm. The revolution of Rafael Correa is now in our country, and our president is fighting against bad education, wicked health, damaged highways, inefficient public service, and poverty.
When looking over the evidence, it is clear that the first we need to know about Ecuador and how is working right now our country, for this reason is essential to know in what is based the performance of Ecuador. “The National Plan for Good living” which establishes new horizons aimed to materialize and radicalize the project for a change of the Citizens' Revolution. The achievement of good living for all Ecuadorians basically is based in 5 principles. A constitutional and democratic revolution, an ethical revolution, a social revolution, a revolution in defense of Latin American dignity, sovereignty and interation, finally an economic, productive, and agrarian resolution (Senplades).
Since 2006 our president Rafael Correa has been improving many different and important aspects, and one of the most significant is education. Nowadays not only students have the obligation to study, teachers also need be prepared to educate, for this reason the government take test to teachers to prove their level of preparation. As well if a teacher wants to work in a public school first must take the quiz and approve it. In 2012 public teachers of the country were evaluated with the purpose to pertain in the Fiscal magisterial (Ecuavisa). To be hired as teachers for basic education is required a title awarded by an educational college or university, for secondary education must possess a bachelor's degree in Science Education (Vvob). Also another positive thing is scholarships that the government gives to successful students. Rene Ramirez, national secretary said; “Our president Rafael Correa approved the university scholarship program, driven by this department which is unlimited. Finally it is a fact that a lot of public schools were devastated because it never had maintenance. Today the government invests 73millions of dollars to improve and rebuilt schools. Thanks to all works every day education is better and also is relevant to cite,
“My dream from the humility of my homeland is to see a country without misery, without kids in the streets, a country without opulence, but dignified and happy” (Correa).
“Revolution” this is maybe the most heard word if we talk about the government of Rafael Correa. The citizen revolution has improved infrastructure of health centers, gave free medicine, and did campaigns against flu. First of all the government increased the annual budget from $606 million in 2007 to 1.6 billion in 2012. The money has been mainly invested in acquisition of medicines and vaccines (Yanez).13 millions of dollars were spent in an important campaign which started this November 11, 2013 (Trece). “Health as a principle and health as a right” was the confirmation of Carina Vance, Minister of Health, Who said that from 16-35 millions of attentions in 2011 and more than 38 million of attentions in 2012 have been the significant progresses by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). Nationally, there are several hospitals in 2013 to be inaugurated and planned to build. Around 1415 health centers nationally repotenciarse 22 hospitals and 24 new hospitals with international standards, is the multi purpose. (Area).
In the same way, highways are better since the president began his government. He is bringing new ideas to maintenance and improves pathways with a reasonable budget. One new project is the freeways, it consist in create new route with propose of reduce travel time, and reduce traffic accidents too. For this projects
Works cited
Ecuavisa, , dir. Maestros rinden exámenes para el
magisterio fiscal. 2012. Film. 24 Nov 2013.
SENPLADES, . Revolucion cuidadana. Technical Secretary of
the National Decentralized System for
Participative Planning pursuant to Executive.
National Paln for Good Liviong. Quito: , 2009.
Web. <
VVOB, . "Programa plurianual Ecuador 2008-2013." Educaion para el desarrollo.
Web. 24 Nov 2013.
YÁNEZ, Andrea. "Public Health Policy in Ecuador under the “Buen Vivir”
model of development, between 2007 and 2011." N.p., 06 06 2013. Web. 21 Nov 2013. Pag(3)
"Trece millones de dólares invierte el Gobierno de la
Revolución Ciudadana en campaña de vacunación contra influenza . " la cuidadana. N.p., 11 11 2013. Web. 21 Nov 2013. < ciudadana/item/2564-ecuador-inicia-campana-de-vacunacion-contra-influenza.html>.
"El área de la salud en Ecuador presenta avances significativos
La información y el contenido multimedia,
publicados por la Agencia de Noticias Andes,
son de carácter público, libre y gratuito.
Pueden ser reproducidos con la obligatoriedad de citar la fuente..
" Andes. N.p., 12 01 2013. Web. 24 Nov 2013.
<área-salud-ecuador-presenta- avances-significativos.html>.