The dram of flying for a flight attendant.
Enviado por Paula Barbosa • 15 de Marzo de 2017 • Monografía • 2.259 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 338 Visitas
INTRODUCTION…....………….……………………………..………………… 3
START OF A PROFESSION……........................................…………………. 4
THE HISTORY OF THE FIRST FLIGHTS..……………………………………………………………………….. 5
ETYMOLOGY OF THE WORD “AZAFATA”…..……………………………………...……………………..….. 6
ELLEN CHURCH.…………………………………...…..……………………… 7
OF FLIGHT ATTENDANTS….………………………....……………………….. 8
FLIGHT ATTENDANT AS A PROFESSION……………..................................…………………………….. 9
WHAT IS THE WORK OF A FLIGHT ATTENDANT….…………………………………………...…………..………... 10
THE NEW GENERATION OF FLIGHT ATTENDANTS…………………………………………………………………… 11
WHY BE A FLIGHT ATTENDANT?............................................................... 12
The power of flying like birds, has always been a challenge for humans. The history and development of aviation goes back to the day when prehistoric man stopped to observe the flight of birds and other flying animals and now thanks to engineering and people who never stopped dreaming of flying, we can take a flight and travel around the world, know other countries and enjoy a trip as if we were in our house.
But getting here wasn’t easy, because, if it weren’t for the Wright brothers, Charles Lindbergh, William Boeing, Nicholas Joukovsky and despite the large number of failures, disappointments and defeats, we probably we couldn’t get to fly. Thanks to the mistakes we can now enjoy big machines as a Airbus A380. Aviation became the present and the future of humanity.
For centuries, a lot of attempts to take off occurred, most of them couldn’t be carried out. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers became the first to make a flight in a controlled airplane, aviation became a reality. Now we can fly whereever we wanted and we can be in different places of the world in just a couple of hours.
Commercial aviation grew a couple of decades later and with it, was born one of the most incredible vocations. Flight attendants have become an essential tool for aviation security, icons of beauty and charm, they are more than a kind person who gives us a warm welcome, they are the people who make us feel safe and they are well trained to help in case of emergency.
Many flight attendants at several times have given their life and soul for this profession. Which now is mostly valued in the aviation.
"A cabin crew member is responsible for ensuring passenger safety at all times especially in emergency situations. It’s also able to serve and provide excellent help "
In the early days of aviation, the British Airline Imperial Airways realized that their flights needed to be monitored from within and decided to incorporate the first crew on a flight, the first tripulation was a team of men called "CABIN BOYS". At that moment the doors opened to everyone who wanted to be part of the aviation as a flight attendant.
Ellen Church, a nurse of 25 years old, made it possible for women to be part of the Tribulation. Ellen Church in 1930 had a conversation with a member of the transport Boeing air Steven Stimpson, she said it was very important that the crew was made up of nurses, who were able to provide adequate medical care to passengers in case of an unfortunate accident for example, fear of flying, a heart attack or an inability of the pilot.
The Boeing company didn’t approve the idea because they didn’t believe that a woman was fit to fly, as their mood swings and hormonal changes could interfere with board operations. But eventually the idea was taken unanimously and were hired eight nurses for the first flight and called "the original eight” or “girls sky" and Ellen church was one of them.
Years later, the industry decided to invent different selection processes to find the perfect candidates for the job,who had to be beautiful, single, around 25 years, with a maximum weight of 52 kg and 1.60 m in height.
The nursing degree wasn’t no longer required at the beginning of the Second World War and so the different professionals were hired to be part of this wonderful profession.
In the September 22, 1949 took off from Madrid's Barajas Airport, a DC-4 Douglas Iberia airlines, which first crossed the Atlantic on a flight of 36 hours with various layovers.
In the first flights, passengers were required to make a stopover before boarding a plane. Before the airlines had to weigh everything, including the passenger. To the travelers who came to Madrid to take the plane to the United States, the company had to give a night in a hotel to all passengers who had been behind the Plaza de Canovas, in addition, passengers had to prepare all their trip documentation including passports, besides that a medical certificate and a form.
When the passengers boarded the plane, the flight attendant gave them a brochure with a young Spanish girls in regional costumes that included a message that said, “Please do not smoke thanks”. In addition the passenger received a box of fried chicken, Spanish omelet and eggs. When the flight was just about to end stewardess served a cup of coffee to passengers. The fare was 40 euros, it was very expensive these days, but in spite of how expensive the ticket was, the first flights were a complete success.
In 1947, Fernando Castillo was the first men in the crew of flight attendants, He was the first "azafato" of Spain.
Today, the State Aviation Safety Agency announced that flight attendants are responsible for ensuring passenger safety at all times and especially in emergency situations.
The word “Azafata" was used for Lopez de Velasco in 1582. Bute ven 50s, when the aviation industry was begining, Airlines began to think of a name this profession, and they finally decided to call "azafata" that means “Queen waitress ". This word wasn’t used until 1946, when the airline IBERIA Madrid on a flight to Buenos Aires decided to call "stewardess" .