- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The world upside down

Enviado por   •  15 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Trabajo  •  616 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  197 Visitas

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The World is Upside Down

  1. Explain the accident with details.

[pic 1]

  1. Fill in the blanks

[pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6][pic 7]

                                                      stand up some                                                             [pic 8][pic 9][pic 10][pic 11]

                                                                an ambulance.

  1. Write a sentence with the phrasal verb “drop off”

[pic 12]

  1. What did Juana do for a living? Explain her labor situation.

[pic 13]

[pic 14]


                  [pic 15]

Juana lived with

6. Why                 Juana so worried?[pic 16]

[pic 17]

7. What did she do after she realized she wasn’t going to be able to work for a while?[pic 18]

[pic 19]

8.     Why                       Oliver help Juana?

[pic 20]

[pic 21][pic 22]

9.       According to Oliver’s father, what                     Oliver                   done?

[pic 23]

He should         

10.  Why was Frank so disappointed? What happened with the insurance company?

[pic 24]

11.  Why didn’t Frank like Eugenia as a lawyer?

[pic 25]

12.  What did Eugenia say they should do? [pic 26]

[pic 27][pic 28]

13.       What                    the wife                    when Frank arrived home?

[pic 29]

She was                     a shopping list on the computer.

  1.  How was Arleen going to solve the case?

[pic 30]

  1.  Why does Marcela think Arleen is a better lawyer than Eugenia?

[pic 31]

  1. Transcribe Juana’s conversation with her friend Alicia from 7:08 to 7:43

[pic 32]

[pic 33]

[pic 34]

[pic 35]

[pic 36]

17. What kind of person is each of the following:


Oliver’s mother

Frank[pic 37][pic 38]


Eugenia[pic 39]

Arleen[pic 40]



[pic 41]


[pic 42]


[pic 43]

  1. What is your opinion about the video?  

[pic 44]


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