Tommy Douglas
Enviado por GreciaJC • 23 de Mayo de 2013 • 422 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 401 Visitas
When talking about the greatest canadians of all time, Tommy Douglas is one to be mentioned. Tommy was a remarkable canadian whose contributions helped shape the nation of Canada. Although he is most famous as the founder of Medicare in Canada, his role as Premier of Saskatchewan changed Canada enormously. He led Canada’s first socialist government, he changed canadian politics and put the good of the people he represented first.
When he was young, Tommy began a life-long struggle with osteomyelitis. His family could not pay for an immediate treatment and he almost lose his right leg (Thomas Clement Douglas). This experience marked the beginning of Tommy’s quest for public healthcare. In order to Improve rural living standards, Tommy had to face the North American Medical Establishment, which showed resistance to Douglas’ hospital and health insurance program. However, the striking doctors were no match to him, and soon, Medicare was born in the province of Saskatchewan. In 1964, when Justice Hall recommended the nationwide adoption of Saskatchewan’s model of public health insurance, Tommy was named the “Father of socialized medicine in Canada”.
In 1934, Tommy made his first venture into electoral politics by running unsuccessfuly as a provincial candidate for the Farmer-Labour Party in Saskatchewan (Douglas, Thomas Clement (1904-86)). In 1935, not listening to the warnings of Church telling him to choose between religion and politics; Tommy ran again and defeating a Liberal Incumbent, he entered the parlianment. There, he emerged as a young, dynamic orator with a brillat gift of humor (T.C. Douglas). He became a symbol of what the socialist government promised. Labour standards were improved, the educational system was consolidated, legislation was introduced to expand the co-operative sector of the economy, and bills were enacted to protect farmers from foreclosure (T.C Douglas). Tommy Douglas became a major asset for a party facing chronic poverty. He always put the good of the people he represented first.
During his government, Douglas was responsable of the modernization of Saskatchewan by using CROWN CORPORATIONS to expand electricity and telephone service throughout the province, using natural gas as a heating source and expanding the province’s highway system. Tommy also established a medical school at the University of Saskatchewan and increased the mental health budget. He gained people sympathy and was re-elected four times.
With all his contributions, Tommy Douglas proved himself as an outstanding canadian leader. He introduced Canada to what it is today and canadian population needs were of vital importance to him. That is why in 2004, he was named #1 on CBC’s Greatest Canadians list.