- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tough Decision

Enviado por   •  6 de Noviembre de 2014  •  294 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  176 Visitas

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Cause/Effect analysis requires that ability to look for connections between different elements and to analyze the reasons for those connections.

Cause/Effect makes use of our intellectual ability to analyze. A causal analysis discusses why it happened and what the result was. This component requires an advance form of thinking. It is more complex than most rhetorical strategies (narration, process, description, etc.) because it can exist on a number of different and progressively more difficulty levels. The most accurate and effective causal analysis accrues from digging for the real or ultimate causes or effects, as opposed to those that are merely superficial or immediate.

Use the following cluster designs to brainstorm topics, narrow a specific topic, and show different connections in relation to causes and effects.

Defining Cause/Effect

• Cause/Effect analysis requires that ability to look for connections between different elements and to analyze the reasons for those connections.

• Cause/Effect makes use of our intellectual ability to analyze. A causal analysis discusses why it happened and what the result was. This component requires an advance form of thinking. It is more complex than most rhetorical strategies (narration, process, description, etc.) because it can exist on a number of different and progressively more difficulty levels. The most accurate and effective causal analysis accrues from digging for the real or ultimate causes or effects, as opposed to those that are merely superficial or immediate.

• Use the following cluster designs to brainstorm topics, narrow a specific topic, and show different connections in relation to causes and effects.


First, your task is to print a copy of the cluster in order for you to free write and brainstorm. Then, once you have general ideas, you must commit to a path and complete a digitized cluster, print, and turn in the document with your essay.


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