Trabajo Catedra Ingles
Enviado por Jesus Barreto • 1 de Junio de 2018 • Informe • 1.961 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 172 Visitas
República Bolivariana De Venezuela
Universidad Nacional Experimental “Francisco De Miranda”
Catedra Ingles
Coro/ Edo Falcón
Informe Ingles
Barreto Jesus #27760849
Curiel Marcos # 25669784
Manaure Jonathan #26057815
Ochoa María #27409899
Romero Reinaldo #26175970
Prof: María Pérez
Sección: 09
Santa Ana De Coro Enero 2018
- These are the questions you should consider when submitting to a mammogram:
- Duration: the test lasts about 15-30 minutes.
- Admission: the test is done on an outpatient basis.
- Is it necessary to be accompanied ?: it is not necessary to be accompanied, although it can be helpful if it makes you feel more relaxed.
- Medications: it is not necessary to take any previous medication. You can take your usual medication.
- Food: you do not need to go fasting.
- Clothes: You can wear the clothes you want, although it is convenient to take something that is easy to remove, as they will ask you to expose your chest. It is also not advisable to carry metallic objects (earrings, bracelets, etc.) as they will ask you to remove them during the test.
- Documents: you can take the previous reports with information about your health, and previous mammograms in case it is necessary to compare them with the one that is going to be done.
- Contraindications: there are no absolute contraindications. It is not usually performed in women under 30 years since the breast tissue is more dense and the test is not reliable. It is advisable to inform the doctor about the possibility of being pregnant or if you are breastfeeding.
- Pregnancy and lactation: the performance of a mammogram is considered safe during pregnancy and lactation since the dose of radiation is very low. However, the breasts are denser during pregnancy and lactation, so the test is less reliable. It is advisable to consult with the doctor about the risk and benefit of carrying out or postponing the test, or about the possibility of replacing it with another test such as breast ultrasound.
- Other considerations
- Do not use deodorant, talcum powder, or any type of lotion or cream on the breasts or armpits on the day of the test, as it could interfere with the result of the test.
- The best time to perform the test is one week after the period because it is when the breasts are less sensitive.
It is advisable to inform the doctor of the use of hormonal treatments, a history of surgeries on the breast, or if you have a personal or family history of breast cancer
1- Tipo Texto de Instruccion
2- tiempo verbal infinitivo; You can take (tu puedes tomar), Do not use deodorant, talcum powder, or any type of lotion or cream on the breasts or armpits on the day of the test (no uses desodorante, talco en polvo, o cualquier tipo de locion o crema en los pechos o axilas durante el dia del examen), it is not necessary to be accompanied (no es necesario estar acompañado), there are no absolute contraindications (no hay absolutamente ninguna contraindicacion).
3- Características
--presencia de conectores (that, or, when)
-Estructurada en pasos dando información de cada detalle
-Finalidad del texto dar una guía a la hora de hacerse una mamografía
4- Resumen: recomendaciones a la hora de realizarse una mamografía como;
No usar desodorante, talco en polvo, o cualquier otro tipo de loción o crema en los pechos o axilas el día del examen, esto puede interferir con el resultado de los exámenes.
Se puede llevar cualquier ropa que se desee, aunque es conveniente llevar ropa fácil de quitar, cuando te pidan exponer tu pecho tampoco se recomienda portar objetos metálicos (zarcillos, pulseras entre otros) como te pudieran pedir que te lo quites durante la prueba.
Contraindicaciones: no hay ninguna contraindicación. No es usualmente realizado en mujeres menores de 30 años porque el tejido mamario es más denso y el examen es poco confiable se recomienda informar al doctor sobre la posibilidad de estar embarazada o estar amamantando
Es recomendable informar al doctor sobre el uso de tratamientos hormonales, un historial de cirugías en el pecho, o si tienes un historial familiar de cáncer de seno
Examination of the abdomen
Aspects that should be kept in mind when taking the exam:
• place the patient in dorsal decubitus
• examine on the right side (but you should have the ability to examine both sides)
• have adequate lighting
• try not to have cold hands or instruments
• ask the patient to relax (have a special delicacy in people who suffer from tickling)
• expose the abdomen in a broad way so as to make a good observation (from the lower part of the thorax to the inguinal regions). Be careful about the modesty of the patient, but without stopping to examine adequately.
• do not forget to examine the inguinal regions
• Painful areas should be examined at the end
It is convenient to pay attention to the following:
• the shape of the abdomen
• identify more prominent or asymmetrical areas
• scars
• hernias
• skin lesions
• presence of collateral circulation
• heartbeats
• respiratory movements: it is normal for inspiration to produce a bulge of the epigastrium as the diaphragm descends. In some respiratory insufficiencies, the diaphragm does not contract and is dragged towards the thorax in inspiration, so that the abdomen instead of "swelling" becomes depressed: this is known as paradoxical breathing.
The shape of the abdomen can be different. This depends on the age, the relationship between weight and height, the constitution of the body, the athlete or sedentary person and any alterations that may exist: tumors, ascites, meteorism (gas increased in the intestine). It usually has a rounded or flat shape. In thin people and in dorsal decubitus an excavated abdomen (scaphoid or concave) is appreciated. If it is seen bulky it is spoken of a globular or prominent abdomen. When in the supine position the abdomen impresses that it "overflows" to the sides it is called in panniers; if standing, you can see a large fold hanging from the lower abdomen is called an apron.