- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  1 de Mayo de 2015  •  334 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  141 Visitas

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Transmilenio more problems than solutions?

Today, Transmilenio is one of the means of public transport most used in Bogota. Every day this tool of transportation transports 2 million people approximately. This means, it transports the 30 per cent of the public transportation demand. But most of the users agree that it is one of the worst mobility mechanisms. There aren´t enough buses for all the passengers, the buses take a lot of time traveling from one station to the other one, the buses are so full of persons like tins of sardines, among other problems. But what could be the possible solutions for this problem?

Firstly, Transmilenio S.A, the managing entity of the system, should improve the infrastructure of all the stations whose demand is so high. In other words, it is necessary the restoration of routes and the extension of stations. Also it is mandatory to increase the number of buses which transport the Transmileio’s users. By doing this, the system will offer a better service to all the passengers.

Secondly, it is mandatory to reorganize the planning route. This is a very important detail because there are some buses which exceed its quota while others travel empty. Additionally, the delays of the buses cause agglomerations in the stations and portals. With a better system of routes and a major precision of the buses, the problem will be confronted more effectively.

Lastly, governments should make more campaigns of civil culture to the system’s users. Expressed in other way, it is necessary more educational campaigns to people who use Transmilenio. Due to the lack of civil culture, there are several quarrels, fights and discussions among the users of the system.

This way, we will be able to have a better trip and a better service.

To sum up, I strongly believe that making real these suggestions, problems in Transmilenio are not impossible to solve. We all share the responsibility and the right to a better service. We all pay taxes and deserve something better.


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