- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Un modelo básico.

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Any teaching design must take into account a number of questions or variables. Below we list and describe eight questions or basic variables. They may be more or may be less; there is useful conventions for thinking action.1 variables with which the teacher can work to design teaching are:
a) the goals, objectives or expectations of achievement;
b) selection of / of contents / s;
c) organization and sequencing / of contents / s;
d) tasks and activities;
e) the selection of materials and resources;
f) the participation of students;
g) the organization of the stage;
h) the evaluation of learning.

The goals, objectives or expectations of achievement

 The goals or objectives refer to the intent with which they held shares. They act as orientation guide, aspirations are proposed.
The goals and objectives usually refer to more specific tangible more on the daily task of teaching aspirations. They refer to broader, more general and therefore much more basic aspirations.
Selection / of contents / s
The selection of content to teach to locate and recognize the content within the context of the specialty, know its historical evolution, its derivations and relationships with everyday life. The teacher, before selecting a content, should investigate, read, deepen about what will be included as object of his teaching.
The precision and definition of the content, which is usually called the scope of content depends mainly on the time available to develop it.
Against the selection imposed can be taken two views that are polar:
• You can choose between treating many issues where the problem is how the surface to be touching various aspects or failure to stop at those who arouse most interest or require other treatment
• You can choose to try a few issues in the belief that they will be deeply formative and substantial.

The organization and sequencing / of contents / s
 The organization of content is an extremely complex subject, as many knowledge or techniques have their origin in fields of knowledge that have become more specialized and progressively parceling.
In the organization of the contents we can find basically three criteria: a) the organization of content by discipline, b) the organization of content by activities and interests and c) the organization of content by topic or work projects.
The organization of content for activities and interests follows the tradition of the movement of the New School and is based on the assumption that the student preferences should be the basis for the selection, organization and sequencing of content.
When performing activities, the student reads, understands, assimilates, relates, express, observe, analyze, argue with others, applies, compares, infers, generalizes, transfers, feels, reasons, builds, produce.9 And through all this, learn a certain way.
A consideration of the principles of Raths, we can incorporate those other issues that we must take into account when formulating the activities:
• It is necessary to formulate activities, homework and school routines consistent with the general purposes of education who say they seek.
• It is necessary to consider whether the activity is most appropriate to promote the internalization of certain content.
• Consideration shall be given learning processes of students who want to promote through this activity.
• motivation must be considered that the activity can awaken and meaning that you can purchase for students.
• We must try to anticipate possible globality, intended effects and unintended generate the same activity.
• The type of activity proposed will produce a certain kind of behavior in students, but also require a certain role the teacher.
• The activity will require certain organizational conditions in relation to space, time, resources required and those available.
• The planned activity should make connections with other previous activities and leave the doors open for the following activities.


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