- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Vida Hereje

Enviado por   •  9 de Junio de 2015  •  233 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  186 Visitas

This graffiti was made by Inti Castro, and it called “Resignation”. The image is divided in two. In the first part you can see a half a doll-faced man. On the left you can see a hand with a crucifix made of bullet. Also in the middleground you can see a necklace made of bullet to. On the top behind his head you can see a symbol, I don’t know what it is.

In the second part the character seems an alien who is in space. At the top there seems to be a moon, and next a galaxy. On the right the character's hand has symbols, and above this, a green apple is floating. In the torso we can see leaves and peppers.

This graffiti is confused because has a dark side and other more enlightened. But I think the whole graffiti it looks shady.

The picture expresses a contradiction. The character divided in two, but is one at the same time. In the left side it represent repression of weapons and the Catholic Church. In the right side it represents peace, a world full of nature. But in the other way, maybe there exist a balance of the two parts

I find this document interesting and modern. I see critique and conflict, but also I see a solution. The solution is better than to remember the bad thing


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