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What Makes A Leader

Enviado por   •  14 de Octubre de 2014  •  531 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  201 Visitas

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What makes a leader? Summary

There are many distinguishing which makes a leader. David Goleman describes important characteristics that describe him. Also He mentions that there are more than intelligence skills and cognitive abilities in the leadership, for that reason he give us another characteristics which a leader should have, then he proposes the emotional intelligence. According to Goleman leaders posses this attribute before mentioned. This emotional intelligence can develop but requires time, determination and commitment, and in the end, the result of that will bring significant changes as in personal life as work life. Many companies have employed many of trained psychologists that increase the called competency models.

Goleman described the emotional intelligence as: Self regulation, self awareness, empathy, motivation and social skills.

The self awareness: refers to acknowledge of “ourselves”, our emotions, moods and use this to create an effect in the people, and his actions, recognition of the failures, the values and the goals that have in mind understanding, they easy talk about their limitations and strengths, and they know when to ask for help and what they are able to do and what it’s out of his hands. Therefore give them enough strong to identify the things that aren’t good for them, the honesty and work under pressure are qualities. The self regulation, the success come from a moment of pressure, creating plans and the impulses enough strong to do something productive a way to realize the effects of the decisions that are going to be make is someone able to realize of their emotions and control them in a way that is productive remembering that there are always changes and is need to move with them and be prepared for this. The important is to make clear the words that are going to be explaining because of the negative response that may appear. Motivation, the motivation is one of the most important part of been a leader, this attribute provides a big development of the goals, the occupation that is been working, on themselves as the group of people that is encouraging, they don’t look for a big jobs that give them a lot of money, however they are only happy with doing what they like and the passion that they put on it. They create a power’s environment making people love what they are doing. The Empathy makes the leader able of recognize that people are different and also to treat them in the same way as is normal making people feel equal and to realize of the emotions, of the people and give the attention that is needed, The empathy provide importance to the talent of the group and always recognize the best situation when is better to act or not. The social skills, a leader should have big social skills because this will build a relation between the people and workers as the people he has to meet and relate, the recognize other people feelings and to be capable of use this to improve


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