- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

When And Whenever

Enviado por   •  2 de Diciembre de 2013  •  289 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  328 Visitas

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Student’s number:

Course tittle:

English VII

Teacher’s name:


2- How we comunicate


8- Changing times

Date: October 24th of 2013.



Learn about the use of where, when, wherever and whenever in a conversation and identify the circumstances where they're not fully required and can be removed without changing the meaning of the phrase.


1- Read the grammar section on page 122 of the student's book

2- Answer excersice 1 in page 122 underlining the parts of the phrase that can be deleted without changing the meaning

3- Complete the sentences with: where, when, wherever and whenever


Excersice 1:

2- My veterinarian suggested that I buy Barkies brand dog food when Barkies brand is available

3- whenever diciplining them is apropiate, owners of lintelligent animals must be prepared to discipline their pets

4- Exotic animals may not be kept as pets wherever keeping such a pet is against the law

5- Whenever it is posible, you should give your horses a chance to run so that their hooves don't become overgrown

6- Pets need to be given attention every day, not just when giving attention is convenient

Excersice 2:

2- Whenever somebody walks past my house, my dog growls at him or her

3- My pet deer can hear me walking even when i'm 100 meters away

4- Im trying to find an apartment where i'll be allowed to have pets

5- I ordered a parrot through the internet from a town called Mambucaba, wherever that is!

6- Over the course of the year, whenever I visited herapartment, she seemed to have added another cat. By spring she had 25


When in a conversation we sometimes give too many details of something such as using when and whenever, that can be avoided in odert to make the message delivered smaller and let the converstaion flow faster.


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