Written Communication
Enviado por gabo101 • 31 de Agosto de 2012 • 240 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 402 Visitas
Process to describe the sequence of steps in a procedure
Division and classification to describe the logical divisions of a topic or parts of an object
Causes and effects to analyze the causes or effects of a situation
Comparison and contrast to show the qualities that are similar or different between two things
Problem and solution to describe a problem an evaluate possible solutions
Basic plan of an essay
Introduction background information
Gets the reader´s attention using anecdotes, quotation, and facts or statistics
Body supporting paragraph (choose how many topics you will talk and then develop every each with a support paragraph)
Conclusion makes final comments by doing any of the following steps: restating main points, asking question, suggesting a solution.
Revising and editing
When you revise your writing, you can add new ideas or more specific support, eliminate irrelevant sentences, and rearrange ideas to improve the organization, edit to correct the grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
First of all, you should check to see if there is a clear topic sentence, if not, you need to add one. then, make sure all the sentences relate to the topic stated in the topic sentence. If you find sentences relate to the topic delete it. Check the organization. Also look if you add transitional expression if not add them, also make sure you have supported the topic with specific evidence such as details, fact and examples, reasons. Finally, edit to check the grammar, punctuation, and spelling and correct any mistakes you find.