- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  19 de Octubre de 2014  •  Práctica o problema  •  424 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  307 Visitas

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Did you know? Five hundred years ago, it meant friend, family member or sweetheart.

3- There are two types of bullying:

a- Direct: Bullying can involve physical, verbal, or emotional acts of abuse. A nudge, a push, a shove, a gesture, are easy to identify as physical abuse. Mischief and vandalism someone`s possessions are also physical acts, but can be more difficult to identify as bullying. Words can be used to bully as well writing notes, e-mail and graffiti that are used to intimidate, oppress or cause harm.

b- Indirect: Emotional abuse can come in form of social exclusion where a bully may involve others in excluding the victim from activities or through the spreading of rumors and gossip.

4- Bullying can be: a person may be bigger or may have other skills make him or her stronger such as language skills. He or she will choose a victim that is not equal in power to his or her and capitalize on this differential.

5- Characteristics of a bully: In other words perhaps the bullies need to be in control or exercise power over others. Maybe they have some feelings of envy, jealousy, or resentful

6- Who is a target? If he or she is usually alone and doesn`t have many friends. If he or she doesn't have a lot of confidence and he or she doesn't stand up by himself or herself.

7- Ways to avoid a future bullying: the most important is to report it to a trusted adult immediately.

8- Bystanders: they can encourage other bystanders to help stop the bullying incident by being assertive. They can make friends with someone who continually gets picked on. They can report it or send someone to a trusted adult. Bystanders are a key player in stopping bullying.

Conclusion: Bullies are at risk of continuing this behavior into adulthood, and may find themselves in increased levels of involvement with the law. They may also have marital difficulties, and carry their bulling behavior into their workplace. Bullying may be an indicator of family communication and behavior patterns that cycle from one generation to the next and affect the whole community. For the victim bullying is isolating, it affects victim`s self-esteem and causes stress which may be disruptive to the emotional and physical wellbeing. School is not a safe or positive environment for them. The emotional impact of being bullied and isolated can affect future relationships and interactions. The emotional aspects of bullying may never be forgotten.

Bullying is both a short and long term social and mental health issue.


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