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Communist in China

Enviado por   •  29 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  626 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  652 Visitas

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Communists Take Power in China

1. Definitions

Mao Zedong: He was the communist leader of China in the northwest during WW2

Jiang Jieshi: He was the nationalist leader of China in the southwest during WW2

Commune: a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities. During this period, Mao, called for “A Leap Forward”, a plan that called for larger communes.

Red Guards: It was a militia made up of high school and college students.

Cultural Revolution: The Red guards led to a cultural revolution, the goal was to establish a society were all people were equal.

2. Which effect of the Communist Revolution in China do you think had the most permanent impact? Explain. I believe that the cultural Revolution was the effect of the communist revolution that had the biggest impact in the country. I believe this because of the fact that many people that would not follow the red Guards were executed. Also because of the fact that Mao, the communist leader that promoted this revolution, said that it should have and end when he saw the effects in had in the people and in the country. Basically, the cultural revolution was very bloody and caused a lot of crisis, it was at this point when the Civil War seemed possible.

3. How did the Chinese Communists increase their power during World War II? With the defeat of Japan and the defeat of the nationalist, the communist gained a lot of power, for instance, they won the peasants consent and many nationalist changed sides to the communists. With all of this they managed to defeat all the communist in China and made them retreat to Taiwan. In addition, the peace treaty they had with Russia, which stated that if either of them was attacked, the other one will protect him. All of this aspects contributed to the rise in power of the communist during this period, which was WW2.

4. What actions did the Nationalists take during World War II? During this period there was a struggle between the Nationalist and the Communists. On one hand, the Communist had a smaller army, but won the support of the peasants and had the support of Russia. In the other hand, the Nationalists had a bigger army, but were not as supported by the people as the Communist’s were, also, they had the support of the United States. Thanks to these factors, the Communists won power over the Nationalists and attacked them. With many defeats, the Nationalists were forced to retreat, and ended up creating their government in Taiwan.

5. What was the goal of the Cultural Revolution? Overall the goal of the cultural revolution was to promote and produce a change Mao was unable to do in the country. The basic ideas was the equality of all farmers and peasants. The leaders of these movement were the peasants that worked with their hands, in the contrast, the artistic and


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