- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Educacion sexual en Inglés

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The sex education can be defined like:

The set of learnings that allow the good development of the sexual capacities, its coordination with other faculties and the attainment of a good interrelation with other persons who turn out to be stimulant for its sexed and sexual condition, obtaining high levels of spontaneity and communication, and also of respect and esteem. (Frederic Boix).

The sex education refers to the set of activities related to the education, the diffusion and the publication about the human sexuality in all the ages of the development, the feminine and masculine reproductive device, the sexual orientation, the sexual intercourse, the familiar planning and the use of contraceptive, the sure sex, the reproduction and, more specially, the human reproduction, the sexual rights and the reproductive rights, the studies of genre and other aspects of the human sexuality, with the target to reach a satisfactory sexual and reproductive health.

In XIII World Congress of Sexología, celebrated in 1997 in Valencia, Spain, there was formulated the Universal Declaration of the Sexual Rights, which later (August 26, 1999, in the 140th World Congress of Sexología, in Hong Kong) was checked and approved by the General Assembly of the World Association of Sexología (WAS)

The sexual rights:

- The right to the sexual freedom 

- The right to the sexual autonomy, to the sexual integrity and to the safety of the sexual body 

- The right to the sexual privacy 

- The right to the sexual equality (sexual equity)

 - The right to the sexual pleasure

 - The right to the emotional sexual expression 

- The right to the free sexual association

 - The right to take reproductive, free and responsible decisions 

- The right to information based on scientific knowledge

 - The general sexual right to education

 - The right to the clinical attention of the sexual health 

It is frequent to confuse and to limit the meaning of the sexuality to the sexual activity. The sexual activity, although important, only it is a part of the sexuality. Also it is frequent to simplify the concept sexuality limiting it to the copulation and fertilization. From these confusions there stems the denial of some of the parents to which its children receive sex education in the school.


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