Enviado por mercyguzman2013 • 22 de Marzo de 2014 • 1.682 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 294 Visitas
Immigration Relief or Nightmare
There have been many recent debates about the new reform to illegal aliens residing in the United State. Today, more than eleven millions of illegal alien that are in the United State, an amnesty or work permit will be a door to a better life because most of these people have extensive roots in this country. Actually, thousand of families that came to these country looking for the “American Dream”, having better life chances, full of illusions and with the strong hope that their dream would come true. Instead they have seen their dreams or goals truncated by having to hide or live in the shadows of the worst enemy “la migra”. Millions of this people, who are in this terrible situation, have placed all their hope and strength in the promises of the current president of the United State, Barack Obama, and millions of legal alien have supported the proposal for amnesty by, voting for his re-reelection this 2013 (Chip). This action reflects the huge impact of Hispanics votes over the re-election of Barack Obama and emphasizes the main reason Obama won the election. The reality is that with the possibility of legalization, thousands of families are being torn apart every day, and are suffering the worst consequences of the crisis.
Many misunderstand the crisis of illegal immigrants as a single problem, but the truth it is a problem with many authors, because all participate in some way in the same subject because of we are living in this country. Hence, all that had the fortune to
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be born and belong in this great nation, the immigrant who this country opened doors and have been fortunate to be legal immigrants, and the immigrant who still lives in the shadow of the giant that threatens to be separated from what most love, live in this country; all we have the obligation to care for the security of the place we live in, prosperity and welfare for a better life, and sovereignty of our nation.
Unfortunately, being an illegal immigrant is not only a problem to the authorities of this country, but also a threat to security in all aspects of our society. Driving under the influence of alcohol without a license, shootings, stabbings, beatings, strangulation are aspects that are part of the statistics which show that every day in the United States die 25 U.S. citizens or legal aliens caused by illegal immigrants. This means that many of the problems that are part of the statistics can be eradicated with a new reform because the authorities would have better control of all the people who currently live hidden and afraid of being caught and separated from their loved ones by one deportation (Newton). Another aspects such as, reducing risk of terrorist attacks, crime, especially violent offenses, terrorism in the neighborhood by street gangs, and identity theft, are some of the many challenges facing the United States to a new reform that guarantees peace and security for its citizens. Undoubtedly, the new law would also help to eliminate thousands of contagious and fatal cases undetected tuberculosis, leprosy and hepatitis that bring illegal immigrants who have never undergone a medical before entering the United States. Another concern is the reduction of the import and handling of illegal drugs, weapons and human traffic where smugglers beyond the borders every day, being one of
the saddest cases, women abused and raped multiple times by human traffickers “coyotes.”
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Finally and most important, the proliferation of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, particularly the risk that its may fall into the hands of terrorist groups.
For this reason, security is one of the main issues in the bill for a new reform as part of the foreign policy and national security.
If a change occurs with a new reform, prosperity and well-being would be a symbol of freedom for thousands of families living in the shadows right now. Families who have been for years with no opportunity to decent work, no rights to improve their lives because they cannot buy a house, a nice car. Also, one the most important step that would benefit this country and the thousands of family is the elimination of slave labor, where the illegal alien is exploited and poorly paid. The employer would look forced to pay a living wage and declare state and federal taxes. The nation would prosper its economy and would have a better budget for all areas that today are being affected by lack of money such as, improve budgeting in schools to strengthen security, provide better health care for thousands of children and adults, safe streets in poor neighborhoods, bankruptcies or closures of hospitals because of health services provided to illegal immigrants who do not pay for the services they received. Providing immigrants a driver's license and a work permit, would benefit people living in the shadow of inequality, would help with the safety in the streets, and infrastructure of the country, and would help in the reduction of thousands of dollars spent daily in more than 27 percent of illegal immigrants living in imprisoned sometimes