Enviado por ford132 • 5 de Marzo de 2013 • 519 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 367 Visitas
For many years, this country was founded under immigrants, but what makes us to stop futures generations or newcomers to enjoy what we are enjoying now? In my opinion the Arizona’s Law does not have the right to be applied in that stringent manner. The foreign immigrations have been developing our culture since the Americans natives were establish, changing social, cultural, and ethics ideologies in the past two hundred years, trying to make a country with equal opportunities for any individual. I consider that the Arizona’s Law will polarize the American population. It will change the American children perception about immigration, and also will affect the economy of our country.
The Arizona’s Law will increase a tremendous division among Americans because all Americans have immigrant’s roots; furthermore, personals feelings will come up to react to this Law creating division as a personal ideologies. The Law will create diversities and controversies in the political parties creating as a result division for those who are in pro and for those who are in cont. For example; Groups for the human right will be in cont of the Law for discrimination against Hispanics and politicians persecute immigrants for abuse of welfare and vandalism.
The Arizona’s Law will have a tremendous impact in new generation. It will race new generation with a different point of view about immigration. They will considered that immigration is a type of vandalism or terrorism; However, immigrants will be not considered immigrants as people who want to succeed in a land of opportunities as it was for many other in the past.
We are passing through a big recession today, where many politicians are blaming immigrant for this collapse, but the thrust is different. Mexico has being the port for those people around the world who wont to have a better quality life and equals opportunities, but now the Arizona’s Law will stop immigrant to achieve their dreams and build the country stronger. The immigrants are indispensable for the country; In short, the immigrant’s majorities have many skills that the country needs in order to continue its development. Without the immigrants the economy will be affected. Which is why it is convenience to highlight those immigrants under the Arizona’s Law will affect the country economy.
As far I am concerned the U.S. is a country that has being a crib for those who wanted have a better living condition. Through effort and sacrifices, immigrants have been creating a beautiful country. Today policy makers are taking decisions that are not under our basic root or our footings. The Arizona’s Law is promoting a misperception about immigrants to the Americans. They are coming with the same expectations than our predecessors. It is not fear to treat people who are looking for better opportunities as terrorist or thieves. No matter how we look at it, but we need immigrants to develop the country.