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Culture inca

Inca generic name for the cuzqueños rulers with equivalence sovereign, who established a vast empire in the Andes in the fifteenth century , shortly before the conquest of the New World by the Spanish. The name also applies by extension to all subjects of the Inca Empire or Inca Empire . Inca is , archaeologically , the name of a culture and a pre-Hispanic period.

The Incas were not a natural ethnic group in the Cuzco region that later will be its central area , it was a population that emigrated around 1100 AD, probably from the Altiplano , to the Valley of Cusco or Cuzco , where for nearly three hundred years conducted raids and alliances with the peoples of the area. Over time they became a very powerful and important group , but remained in the region until the Chanca invasion and the government of Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui , when they began to expand into other regions.

Legend has it that were years that ruled the Inca Viracocha, When appeared Circling the city of Cuzco Los Chancas, a very warlike people of the central highlands, who attacked and destroyed the city, behold What Tras De Viracocha Huyo. Opposite the ruins of the old sun temple, Inticancha, General Yupanqui implored his help to the sun god, which is converted to Las Piedras surrounding the city is Soldiers (known as Pururaucas) AND THESE defeated enemies. People cheered then a new Inca Yupanqui as his and this took office with the name of Pachacutec ( "which transforms the world"). With New Inca, the military was strengthened and expansion prominence. Pachacutec conquered the plateau of Collao, Arequipa, Mantaro Valley, to Chincha (ICAS), Lima, among other territories, and organized the Tahuantinsuyu. A Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui Happened Tupac, who as Auqui ( "Crown Prince") Continuous expansion along the coast and the northern highlands, Dominating the Chachapoyas, the Chimu and other major towns to the actual territory of Ecuador. Later, Inca As he headed south, where he advanced to the Maule river, a point that will become the southern border of the Empire. This ,: However, the mayor reached its extension with the reign (1493-1525) the son of Túpac, Huayna Capac. By 1525, the territory under Inca control extended What's Near southernmost of the current Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia and areas of what today is northern Argentina and Chile, covering the UN area of ​​more than 3,500 km from north to south and 805 km. de este one West. Researchers estimate that INMENSA region was inhabited by a population between 3.5 and 16 million people of different cultures Andinas.


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