- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles 2 Etapa 2

Enviado por   •  2 de Abril de 2014  •  315 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  3.832 Visitas

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Act de Metacognition

In this activity you will evaluate two dishes to mention the advantages and disadvantages of each

1. Work in teams of four. Write 5 reasons to eat healthy food.

*They keep you healthy

*you'll feel better

*you'll look better

*have more energy

*sleep better

2.Write one dish that is healthy and one which is unhealthy that you usually eat, like hotdogs.

what is healthy on the plate of good food

are fruits and vegetables

food of animal origin (not excessively)

cereal group

and what are unhealthy



cheese, yogurt, animal food in excess

3. Use the next table to write some advantages and disadvantages of both dishes. Follow the examples.

Disadvantage Advantage

A salad is expensive A salad is healthy

A hotdog is unhealthy A hotdog is cheap

The burger is cheaper The burger is not healthy

fruits are expensive Fruits are healthy

Yogurt is expensive Yogurt is healthy

meat is high in fat Meat is cheap

milk are expensive milk have vitamins

4. Use the information of the table to write 7 sentences comparing the foods you chose.

*A hot dog is not as healthy as a salad

*A salad is more expensive than a hot dog

*The burger is not healthy than a fruits

*The fruits are expensive than burger

*Yogurt is expensive than milk

*meat is high in fat as a hotdog

*the milk have a vitamins that a salad

Activity Integrator.

*1. Think of a person that you admire and write his / her name in your notebook.

R: Harry Edward Styles Cox.

*2. Write a description of the person you chose in instruction. 1. Describe his/her personality and his/her physical appearance

R: He's tall, green eyes, curly brown hair coffee, has several tattoos. He is generous, kind, funny, friendly, respectful, and treats everyone equally.

*3. Show the description to your teacher and make any necessary.

*4. Use your written description and add some imagines of the person you described to make a poster.

*5. Show your poster to the group.

*6. Check the rubric in appendix 2 to know the evaluation guideline


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