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Ingles Bloque 4

Enviado por   •  12 de Mayo de 2014  •  2.041 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  235 Visitas

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The past participle is a verb conjugation in Spanish indicating something you've done, but still can keep doing, a form of the verb that is accompanied by another verb.

The participle is formed with the terminations ado / ada or left / ida.

The past participle verbs are usually in Spanish end in ado, gone and then another verb.

It is divided into regular past participle, verbs that end in the past ado, gone ("ed" in English) and irregular past participle (verbs that change a different word.

Verbo Infinitivo pasado participio

ser estar to be was/were been

golpear to beat beat beaten

llegar a ser to become became become

empezar to begin began begun

apostar to bet bet bet

atar to bind bound bound

morder to bite bit bitten

sangrar to bleed bled bled

soplar to blow blew blown

romper to break broke broken

traer to bring brought brought

construir to build built built

quemar to burn burnt burnt

comprar to buy bought bought

coger to catch caught caught

escoger to choose chose chosen

venir to come came come

costar to cost cost cost

cortar to cut cut cut

tratar to deal dealt dealt

cavar to dig dug dug

zambullir to dive dove dove

hacer to do did done

dibujar to draw drew drawn

soñar * to dream dreamt dreamt

beber to drink drank drunk

conducir to drive drove driven

comer to eat ate eaten

caer to fall fell fallen

alimentar to feed fed fed

Present Perfect.

The Present Perfect in English is a tense that is used to refer to actions that happen in the recent past and that have some connection with this. Its equivalent in the Spanish language is the Present Perfect:

I have sent the letter.

I sent the letter.

(Indicates that the action just happened)

To build the affirmative form of the Present Perfect should use as an auxiliary verb TO HAVE in Simple Present and accompanied by the main verb in the past participle (whether regular verbs and irregular verbs).


1.-You have worked very hard for a long time.

2.-They have spoken about Germany and France.

3.-He has lived in Canada Since 1989.

4.-I have played tennis since 2007.

5. - She is intelligent since kindergarten

6. – She has traveled a China since 2008

7.-She has eaten vegetables since May.

8.-They are married since December.

9.-It is a door that is since October.

10.-He has written books since 2010.

11.-She has sung since 2000

12. - She has a book since 2001

13.-Peter has study English for five years

14.-Robert has study for one month

15.-Helen has written books since 2005

Present perfect

Present perfect negative

1. - You haven’t worked very hard for a long time.

2. - They haven’t spoken about Germany and France.

3. - He hasn’t lived in Canada since 1989.

4. - I haven’t played tennis since 2007.

5. - She isn’t intelligent since kindergarten

6. – She hasn’t traveled a China since 2008

7. - She hasn’t eaten vegetables since May.

8. - They aren’t married since December.

9. - It isn’t a door that is since October.

10. - He hasn’t written books since 2010.

11. - She hasn’t sung since 2000

12. - She hasn’t a book since 2001

13. - Peter hasn’t study English for five years

14. –Robert hasn’t study for one month

15. - Helen hasn’t written books since 2005

16. -Peter haven’t eaten fish since 2004

17. –Mary hasn’t already written several books

18. -Peter hasn’t a live in that house for three years

19. -I haven’t eaten apples for two weeks

20. –I haven`t spoken English since February

Present perfect

Present perfect question

1. – Have you worked very hard for a long time?

2. - Have they spoken about Germany and France?

3. – Has he lived in Canada since 1989?

4. – Have i played tennis since 2007?

5. – Is she intelligent since kindergarten?

6. – Has she traveled a China since 2008

7. – Has she eaten vegetables since May.

8. – Are they married since December.

9. – Is it a door that is since October.

10. –Has he written books since 2010.

11. –Has she sung since 2000

12. – Has she a book since 2001

13. – Has Peter study English for five years?

14. – Has Robert study for one month?

15. – Has Helen written books since 2005?


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