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Escrito por AlhucemasPRESS / Morocco Board News

Viernes, 03 de Junio de 2011 20:19

The European Union Has urged Morocco's Government to stop using violent repression against protesters following the hard-line crackdown on demonstrators at a second violent clash over the weekend that resulted in scores of civilian casualties. police charged the pro-reform demonstrators and beat them up with truncheons.

"We are concerned about the violence used during the demonstrations taking place in Morocco," Natasha Butler, a European Commission spokesperson, told a news briefing.

"We call for restraint in the use of force and respect of fundamental freedoms. Freedom of assembly is a democratic right. We call on Morocco to maintain its track record in allowing citizens to demonstrate peacefully."

The EU has urged Morocco's Government to move forward with genuin reforms and called on "all parties to engage in a peaceful dialogue with a view to finding solutions to the issues raised by the demonstrators."

Around two dozen people were hurt in Casablanca on Sunday when police broke up the protest called by the February 20 Movement, a youth-dominated group leading a wave of protests inspired by uprisings in other Arab nations.

The government spokes person said the demonstrations were banned and that police acted in response to what he described as provocative behavior by the protesters.

My critic.

The European Union has a good point to incite Morocco's Government to stop using violent repression against protesters. The people has the right of manifest, but in a respectful, however, although the that demonstration was carried without respect, there is no reason for the government to resort to physical force, assaulting the people.

The law must be executed without violence and regarding the punishment, they should be in prison, fines or community service.

in Morocco the law is being applied incorrectly, rather, not the law is being applied.

the most viable solution is proposed by the EU the which consist in engage in a peaceful dialogue with a view to finding solutions.


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