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I am totally against violence in line by interned

Enviado por   •  23 de Julio de 2013  •  Apuntes  •  255 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  390 Visitas

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I am totally against violence in line by interned.

the culture starts from very low, but now this too busy the parents, and children today are more active than before, to use the computer, and thereby do not feel alone, are very violent games which can be played in online with else people provoking disorder in children psychological, so the parents ignores her the child and the child begins to develop his own ideas that he believes is correct.

one way to be able to prevent new generations do not be so answers as now days is that they have access only over 18 years, which will have to do an email where legally check that you are of age, so the new generation not will be so answers as today, and so provoke more culture in children, but it could put navigation pages online with games that are not too violent for children

the government could cooperate for the benefit of themselves, because if children see violent games provoke violence in a community or city, and the government would spend more on trying to stop the violence, and to save the government would be better of not accept help online games violence

Online the games have to be under surveillance senior’s great, as the seller of particular game should not put explicit images to prevent damage to minds of children

My answer for this is that I strongly disagree with online games this is very bad because children today would be more violent, and insecurity would rise highly.


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