- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Making La Victoria a better place

Enviado por   •  9 de Junio de 2023  •  Ensayo  •  827 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  60 Visitas

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 Making La Victoria a better place

     Can you mind that La Victoria, in its best epoche, was a place like Miraflores?. La Victoria has a lot of social problems, like the garbage on the streets, many street vendors occupying the tracks and streets,  and, obviously, the robberies that occur frequently. According to data from the Statistical Yearbook on Crime and Citizen Security made by INEI (2018), in 2017 La Victoria registered 7,353 complaints for crimes. However, a researcher on citizen security issues, Wilson Hernández, indicates that "two out of every ten crimes are registered" (Red Ama Llulla, 2021), so the number before mentioned is higher. With all of the above mentioned, our purpose is to raise awareness about these problems and provide solutions to improve the community of La Victoria.

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      To begin with, organizing the neighbors to clean the streets is a key to make this district a better place. By organizing the neighbors to clean the streets, we can create a cleaner and more attractive living environment. Cleaning the streets not only removes litter and debris, but it also sends a message that we care about the appearance of our district. Also, the creation of a neighborhood council will support this initiative. With a neighborhood council, it can leave the charge to one person to take care of the streets and organization of the activities.

     Secondly, to resolve the problem of garbage, the creation of a schedule to get out the garbage is crucial. Putting a limited time to take out the garbage (every citizen) and for collecting and transporting it (the municipality is in charge of this) can help to not see anymore garbage when you walk around the streets. For example, from 7pm to 9pm you can get out your garbage, and the garbage collectors can do their labor until 12 pm. The accomplishment of this practice will make the citizens of La Victoria more responsible and organized. In addition, the authorities in charge can put sanctions or fines on the people who don't respect the schedule. This ensures that the measure is fulfilled. Can someone lie about the fact that Peruvians are more responsible when there is a sanction involved? This is our society, unfortunately. But at the same time, despite a fine, for example, does anyone respect the rules or even the law? No. That’s why authorities have to be severe about this  if they want to improve La Victoria.

     Thirdly, another way to improve La Victoria is reducing the street sellers. Reducing street vending helps alleviate congestion, promotes fair business practices, and ensures better sanitation and hygiene standards in the district. Moreover, it is essential to formalize and regulate. Providing support and guidance to sellers on obtaining permits, licenses, and legal recognition can help them transition from informal to formal enterprises. This will significantly reduce the number of street vendors.


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