- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Self Management of Learning Student

Enviado por   •  26 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Síntesis  •  276 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  183 Visitas

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5 pts Good

4 pts Fair

3 pts Poor

2 pts or no points

Self Management of Learning Student almost always comes to class prepared, uses their time appropriately, stays on task and use effective study strategies. Student usually comes to class prepared, uses their time appropriately, and stays on task. Student usually uses time appropriately, and stays on task. Student is frequently unprepared and does not use time appropriately.

Classroom Behavior Student engages in appropriate classroom behavior and contributes to creating a classroom community where all students feel respected and safe to share ideas and does not distract other students with their actions. Student engages in appropriate classroom behavior and helps maintain a classroom community where all students feel respected and safe to share ideas and does not distract other students with their actions. Student usually engages in appropriate classroom behavior and helps maintain a classroom community where all students feel respected and safe to share ideas. Student does not engage in appropriate classroom behavior that helps maintain a classroom community where all students feel respected and safe to share ideas. Student distracts other with their actions.

Participation and Collaboration Student often asks questions, collaborates with other students and engages in conversation related to task. Student sometimes asks questions and collaborates with other students and engages in conversation that is mostly related to the task. Student rarely participates in class, and struggles with collaboration. Student does not participate in class or collaborate and engages in conversation that does not relate to the task.

Use of L2 only Student speaks English all the time during class. Student speaks English most of the time. Student speaks Spanish frequently. Student speaks Spanish most of the time.


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