- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Management of Teaching and Learning

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[pic 1]Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa[pic 2]

Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Mochis


Subject: Management of Teaching and Learning

Teacher: Jorge Arturo Carlón Rosas


Discourse Analysis

Final Assessment

Hand-in-date: February 26, 2020.


It is very important as teachers to be aware of what is a discourse analysis and its use because it can help us in the future.  In this essay, I will talk about what is a discourse, discourse analysis and the importance of it.

What is discourse?

Discourse is communication through words that can be written or spoken; a discourse is always used when you want to express something in different contexts. "The study of discourse...can involve matters like context, background information or knowledge shared between a speaker and hearer," (Bloor and Bloor 2013).

What is discourse analysis?

A discourse analysis is a method that helps us to analyze and study the written and spoken communication depending in the social context.

As mentioned above this method focuses on the social aspects and also in the different ways that people can deliver a message depending on what they want to achieve delivering that specific message for example if they want to express feelings, to create conscious and different things.

“Instead of focusing on smaller units of language, such as sounds, words or phrases, discourse analysis is used to study larger chunks of language, such as entire conversations, texts, or collections of texts.” (Luo, 2019)

To make a discourse analysis we need to make a process and follow different steps:

First, we have to identify the part of the text or speech that we want to analyze for example the main topic of the text or any part that you want to analyze.

Then, you have to identify the context that you want to give to that specific part of the text and analyze the different things that the text tells you about the context, the author or the purpose of that text to be created.

After you did all the past steps to have to work on the piece of text that you are analyzing to make it better with all the aspects that you discovered about it.

And finally, your discourse analysis will be finished and your text will be ready to be presented in the context that you want, and the purpose that you wanted to give to that text or speech.

Why it is important for me a future teacher?


Knowing about discourse analysis is very important for us as teachers because it is a method very important that helps us to improve our way to analyze things and also make us realize our way of teaching or our behavior in the classroom. I think that also helps us to learn and understand how to explain things in the classroom because discourse analysis helps to understand the context of the things so sometimes we think that the way that we explain, everyone will understand what we tried to explain but not always is like that and there is where discourse analysis will help us to analyze the context, the meaning that we want to give to our message and improve it to be understood by everyone.


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