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Sources of Motivation

Medelin Ocasio

PSY/355 Motivational Processes in Human Psychology

June 10, 2013

Instructor Dr. Joycelynn Flowers-Ashton

Sources of Motivation

Humans faces the difficult challenge of staying motivated and reaching their goals.

Motivation is a mixture of passion, purpose, inspiration, decision-making and commitment.

It is a deep level that generates energy and life to perform adequately in the activity that they are

passionate about (Deckers, 2010). Motivation is to have passion for living, is everyone own

reward for everyone good performance. With motivation will be willing to take risks and make

decisions that most people would not fear. It also gives everyone the key commitment is to

become a person of high performance.

The motivation has to do with the reasons that underlie behavior. Such reasons can be

analyzed on at least two levels: first, wondering why an individual exhibits certain behavioral

manifestations, and second, asking how to carry out such behavioral manifestations. The

explanation of behavior in terms of motivational mechanisms relating to why it has to do with

the root cause, while the explanation in terms referring to how it has to do with the proximate

cause. It is an interesting aspect, as the reason for a behavior, that is, the motivation has to be

functional and adaptive connotations. It must be good reasons for the occurrence of the behavior

of the mode in which it occurs and in situations in which it occurs (Alcock, 1998).

Conduct direct reference to the concept of motivation. The concept of variability refers to at

least two possibilities. On the one hand, this refers to the wide range of behavioral manifestations

when the range of possible stimulus is broad. Notably, when they focus on one, and the same

stimulus situation. In this second possibility, the concept of variability is more specific, referring,

on the one hand, to the different behavioral manifestations shown by two people in the same

situation stimulate, and moreover, the different behavioral manifestations shown by the same

person in the same situation stimulate two different times (Beck, 2000). In either case, it seems

clear that there is a basic motivational assumption on the behavior of any organism. From the

reasoning of this kind, and always argued in general, one can understand the tendency to

approach rewarding consequences that occur and the tendency to avoid unpleasant consequences

that occur.

Motivation sources refer to the origin of the stimuli that cause an individual to become

active. There are some interesting aspects that appear when trying to locate these triggers.

Motivation sources vary along two axes: internal-external-neurophysiological and psychological.

In a small way, everyone can say that there are both internal and environmental sources (Buss,

1999). Environmental sources refer to different stimuli, from outside the individual, exert their

influence on it. They are incentives, considered as stimuli that motivate behavior. The amount of

incentive, the specific quality of the same and also temporarily remoteness or psychological

distances are factors to consider if they want to understand the motivation of an individual.

Eventually, the behavior is driven jointly by the interaction of internal events and environmental

events. If any of


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