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What problems did Mattel faced in Japan?

Enviado por   •  18 de Abril de 2023  •  Apuntes  •  302 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  81 Visitas

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Alejandro Roca, Elisenda Gonzalez, Anna Alcové

[pic 1]          VS         [pic 2]

1. What problems did Mattel faced in Japan?

The problems that Mattel faced in that country were mainly based on Japanese culture and customs. As the text says, Barbie’s is simply ''too beautiful for the Japanese'', as it has blonde hair and blue eyes, rarely seen there. In addition, women in Japan were not used to show their teeth while smiling due to the fact that they covered their mouth.

2. Why did Mattel have those problems?

Since the devastation of World War II in Japan, they saw almost no foreigners and considered it strange to see blond hair. They weren't used to the Barbie doll aesthetic.

Global marketing approach.

3. What changes will you introduce in order to sell Barbie in Japan?

We think that the best option to persuade Japanese to buy a Barbie doll is by making some adaptations following their principles, so they can be reflected on it.

That means creating a design that includes social and physical changes, respecting the local traditions. For instance, Mattel could manufacture a doll with dark and straight hair, asian-shaped eyes, not western clothing and not showing the mouth, among other features. [pic 3]




No market knowledge

No market research

Market research

Different culture

Historical reasons

  • Japan: isolate
  • US: expanting culture

Creating new doll / increase portfolio:

  • No showing teeth
  • Round eyes
  • Dark eyes
  • Short hair
  • Child, not teenager
  • Clothing
  • Family setting

Barbie: western beauty standards (eyes, smile, teeth, blond hair)

Licca: strong competition

New name, because the changes are not align with barbie dolls

Different lifestyle

Management team from US

Work with the communication:

  • New subsidiary, new management team.
  • Or hybrid model (US team + Japanese team)

Global mktg approach: no adaptations

Transform the approach into adaptations.

Starting internalization in Japan

Different language


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