- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Anastasio Genovevo Gómez promueve una acción de habeas data contra Credilogros S.A a fin de que proceda a poner a su disposición y en forma documentada, la información denunciada como deuda personal.

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        TOEIC PROJECT 1: OVERVIEW        page 1

Name of Project: The Next Big Thing (Writing for Success )

Duration: 5 – 6  weeks

Subject/Course: Toeic

Teacher(s): Vasti Guerra

                     Mark W Reid


Grade Level:


Other subject areas to be included, if any: English Arts, Arts and Social Studies

Key Knowledge and Understanding

(CCSS, or Objectives)

  • To demonstrate a college-level competence with the grammatical structures of English;
  • To demonstrate techniques of prewriting, exploration and planning (such as free writing, focused free writing, brainstorming, modeling, mapping, webbing, outlining) to the composition of an essay;
  • To employ the vocabulary and concepts within an academic discipline in written assignments
  • To demonstrate an ability to paraphrase, quote and summarize secondary sources;
  • To understand how to incorporate and appropriately cite and document secondary sources, using proper formats.
  • To stimulate students interest of what’s occurring in their world
  • To promote creativity, collaboration and communication.

Success Skills

(to be taught and assessed)

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving







Project Summary

(include student role, issue, problem or challenge, action taken, and purpose/beneficiary)

This is a project based on the writing skill and it has a PBL method style. Using the   21st skills (Social Awareness, Civic Literacy, Environmental Awareness, and Technology Literacy) and students’ interests, they will

 read, analyze, explore & investigate issues, topics or themes affecting our modern-day society.

  1. This task should be done in small groups. 4-5 persons. Each group should choose a leader, who oversees assigning roles, and filling out a weekly progress chart log. This progress chart tells the roll and work progress of each member and should be sent to the teacher after each session. Each progress chart makes up 2% of a groups final grade.
  2. The task should promote critical thinking and freedom of expression. Each article or subject presented should be properly researched and investigated having no less than 3-5 sources, which should be cleared cited.  
  3. Each group must choose in what form they would like to present or express this project:
  1. Newsletter
  2. Commercials
  3. Blogs
  4. Magazine
  5. Infomercials
  6. Public add (billboards ect)
  1.   This project should be completed 100% in class.
  2. This project can be done and presented in physical or in digital.
  3. Each group should present their final production in a creative & innovative way.
  4. Each group decides who will be the audience they would like to present their final production to.
  5.  This project is 30% of your final English C (Toeic grade)
  6. *

Driving Question

What’s going on? What’s the Next Big Thing?

Event  (Starting & Concluding Dates)

Starting date        Thursday  Feb 23rd  2017

Concluding date: Thursday March 16th  7th 2017 



Each member should be assigned a task or a specific part to develop in the group.

Specific content and success skills to be assessed:

 Weekly monitoring of individual progress is applied.

Team: The entire group should promote team work, and promote working to their strong points or abilities.

Specific content and success skills to be assessed:

        PROJECT DESIGN: OVERVIEW        page 2

Resources Needed

On-site people, facilities:

Equipment: Computers, laptops, textbooks (Pass the Toeic)

Materials: websites

Community Resources:

La Claudia Desamparados,

Reflection Methods

(how individual, team, and/or whole class will reflect during/at end of project)

Journal/Learning Log


Focus Group

Whole-Class Discussion


Fishbowl Discussion


Other: Written project


Notes: At the end of the task, each editor, must include a special section that’s speaks about the learning process of this project. This article must be at least a page long.  (What you learned, and how useful it is for one.)


Project:  The Next Big Thing (Writing for success)

Driving Question: What’s going on?’ What’s the Next Big Thing?

Projected dates for students’ progress (PIP)

Session 1


  1. Presentation & Explanation of project
  2. Formation of groups & explanation of roles

Session 2

  1. COD 2
  2. Project in progress check point 1
  3. LOG 2

Session 3

  1. COD 3
  2. LOG 3

Session 4

  1. COD 4
  2. PIPCP 2
  3. LOG 4

Session 5

  1. COD4
  2. PIPCP
  3. LOG 5

Presentation session


  1. Expo-Presentation of project (Showcase: there must be propaganda, to the big opening of project.)
  2. Open discussion based on project
  3. Evaluative feed-back


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